My next, and last problem with building on my cygwin

Jim Holmlund james.holmlund at
Wed Oct 3 10:41:00 PDT 2012

I installed cygwin 1.7.16 and now its grep works like yours.

When I get a chance, I will try a complete build with this cygwin.  So far, the new cygwin and my 
old cygwin seem ok running side by side.  I read a blurb that 1.7 doesn't use the windows registry, 
so even if the old cygwin does use it, maybe they can just get along.

- jjh

On 10/3/2012 12:04 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> I looked closer at this on my machine, and my file also has CRLF line endings, but my grep seems 
> to be smart enough to interpret that as a line ending so it still works.
> /Erik
> On 2012-10-02 20:11, Jim Holmlund wrote:
>> On 10/2/2012 7:58 AM, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
>>> This sounds like the non-trivial problem when dealing with CRLF and LF line
>>> endings.
>>> Jim, if you are using cygwin 1.5 could you test if CYGWIN=binmode
>>> added to your environment has any effect on the problem?
>> CYGWIN=binmode had no effect.
>>> If not,
>>> perhaps you could try a later
>>> version of cygwin (1.7), since I believe that the default setting has changed to
>>> binary mode.
>> I'll give this a try if I can figure out a way to do it that isn't a one way road to perdition :-)
>> - jjh
>>> //Fredrik
>>> 2012/10/2 Erik Joelsson<erik.joelsson at>:
>>>> This is an interesting observation. Hasn't happened to me but I will apply
>>>> your patch.
>>>> /Erik
>>>> On 2012-09-29 02:40, Jim Holmlund wrote:
>>>>> The jdk CreateJars.gmk file creates a file named _the.jars.contents which
>>>>> contains, well you guessed it, a list of all the contents of a jar file.
>>>>> It then greps for .class files  in this list.  The problem is that on my
>>>>> machine, the lines in _the.jars.contents end with that stupid ^M char.  This
>>>>> prevents  the greps from finding any .class files.
>>>>> I don't know the best fix for this.  I made this change and now I can
>>>>> build thru images successfully:
>>>>>> diff -r d94613ac03d8 makefiles/CreateJars.gmk
>>>>>> --- a/makefiles/CreateJars.gmk    Wed Sep 26 22:22:51 2012 -0700
>>>>>> +++ b/makefiles/CreateJars.gmk    Fri Sep 28 17:33:09 2012 -0700
>>>>>> @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
>>>>>>       ($(CD) $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes&&  \
>>>>>>           $(TOOL_JARREORDER) \
>>>>>>           -o  $@.tmp $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/classlist
>>>>>> $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/_the.jars.exclude . )
>>>>>> -    $(MV) $@.tmp $@
>>>>>> +    $(SED) -e 's@\
>>>>>> *$$@@' $@.tmp>  $@
>>>>>>   $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/_the.rt.jar.contents:
>>>>>> $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/_the.jars.contents
>>>>>>       $(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
>>>>> - jjh

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