ccache problem

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Wed Oct 17 15:07:40 PDT 2012

On 2012-10-05 09:58, Henri Gomez wrote:
>> At least for configure to pick up ccache we require 3.1.4, but your run with
>> 2.4 seems to get a considerable speedup anyway. Are you forcing the use of
>> ccache in any way outside of configure?
> No forcing of ccache.
> build script used is here :

I agree with Erik, it sounds like ccache is used anyway.

Some questions: What does the configure script say at the end about ccache?

Do you have ccache configured to prepend /usr/lib/ccache to the PATH? If 
so, configure will pick up a ccache as a compiler. The latest version of 
build-infra will detect this and avoid it if ccache is too old. Do your 
configure log say something like:
checking if CC is disguised ccache... no, keeping CC

If this line is not included, you don't have run the version of 
build-infra with this check. (It's rather new.)

Going back to your original problem:
> Generating precompiled header precompiled.hpp.gch
> ccache: FATAL: Could not create
> /home/builder/.ccache/0/6/
> (permission denied?)

Do you see this on systems with ccache 2.4? I think this is the very 
reason why we decided to ban ccache versions lower than 3.1.6, since 
they can't handle precompiled headers properly.


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