changes to non-build-infra files

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed Oct 17 16:49:56 PDT 2012

I would like to ask that we no longer push any changes to files used by the old build system or
common sources into the build-infra/jdk8 repositories.
Changes to the top level build-infra common/* directories, or any of the */makefiles directories are ok
(these are only used by the new build).

These non-build-infra changes need to be verified, reviewed, and formally integrated separately into the
jdk8/build, jdk8/tl/langtools, or hsx/hotspot-rt/hotspot repos. I'd like that to be the first time they get seen.

Minus hotspot and langtools, the build-infra/jdk8 repositories should be kept in sync with jdk8/build,
so pushes to jdk8/build can then be pulled quickly down into build-infra, but hotspot and langtools
changes must be done very differently and are creating major complications.

I see no other way to speed up build-infra/jdk8 changes going into jdk8/build if we don't start keeping
these changes completely separate, regressions can happen too easily with all the combinations and platforms.

So we need to deal with the non-build-infra differences in hotspot and langtools, e.g. between:
  * build-infra/jdk8/hotspot and hsx/hotspot-rt/hotspot
  * build-infra/jdk8/langtools and jdk8/tl/langtools (webrev for src/ and test/ changes is too big to even show)

These cannot be integrated via jdk8/build and I would rather they not be unique to the build-infra
repositories at all. Although I realize that langtools has the smartjavac work, I find it distressing that
these changes have not made it into jdk8/jdk8/langtools via the jdk8/tl/langtools repository yet.
If someone can give me an update on that I would appreciate it.

The hotspot changes I will try and integrate via hotspot-rt separately, but I'm having some issues
doing so because there appears to be some kind of dependency between these hotspot changes
and the other changes in the top common/makefiles. Or some kind of conflict I haven't figured out yet.
Other than hotspot build failures around adlc, everything else is looking good.

The actual build-infra changes currently look like:   (makefiles/ changes only)


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