problem with spurious file

Jim Holmlund james.holmlund at
Wed Oct 17 17:44:18 PDT 2012

On 10/17/2012 2:36 PM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2012-10-12 21:17, Jim Holmlund wrote:
>> My hotspot/ dir contains this:
>> lrwxrwxrwx  1 jjh None     26 Mar 12  2012 .#log.all -> jjh at
> But why?!? :-)
Good question.  AFAIK:
- If you open a file, eg.  log.all, in cygwin xemacs and then modify the buffer, xemacs creates that 
'link'.   I don't know why.
- If you then save the modified file, or kill the buffer, xemacs removes the link.
- if xemacs shuts down, eg, because the oracle desktop update decided to reboot your system, thereby 
losing all work in progress, the 'link' remains

> The makefile checks the status of all files in the hotspot directory to determine if any of them 
> have changed. If so, we actually run the Hotspot makefile. This is a bit of a workaround, since 
> the Hotspot makefiles are broken and, besides taking long time to detect that nothing has to be 
> done, is always updating some output even if input files have not changed, which triggers updates 
> later on in the chain.

I presume that the .orig files that hg creates aren't a problem
- jjh

> The correct fix is to fix the Hotspot makefiles, but that is a huuuge project.
> In this case, make cannot determine the status if jjh at
> I'm not really sure why make treats symbolic links like this.
> However, I updated the "find" expression to resolve symbolic links, which should take care of 
> this. It's just pushed into the repo.
> /Magnus

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