7179349 misses updating new build makefiles

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Oct 18 01:00:08 PDT 2012

On 18/10/2012 03:45, Mike Duigou wrote:
> A fix was recently integrated into JDK 8 mainline repo which breaks new-infra builds on MacOS X.
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt/jdk/rev/d6cba7bfbb3d
> The logic for creating the icon file created is not present in the new build infra makefiles. (jdk/makefiles)
> The ToBin.java program can also be omitted with something like the following:
> (/bin/echo "static unsigned char sAWTIconData[] = {"; hexdump -v -e '"\t" 32/1 "%u, " "\n"' $(ICON) ; /bin/echo "};")>  $(ICON_DATA)
> Mike
I wonder if we are at the point where the integrators (Lana in 
particular as she usually pushes the TL + client changes to master) 
should do a sanity check with the new build system before pushing to 
jdk8/jdk8. We don't want to add additional burden of course and there is 
no reason why such builds can't be continuous or at least daily. Once we 
do the switch then they will be period after that where we have to keep 
the old build alive, in which case there will need to be regular sanity 
checks with the old build system.


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