Some update on Cygwin hangs

Jim Holmlund james.holmlund at
Fri Oct 19 12:38:50 PDT 2012

On 10/19/2012 11:59 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2012-10-19 20:13, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> If we are not seeing this hang with MinGW/MSYS, perhaps we need to make a decision here to 
>> abandon CYGWIN?
> On the contrary, we're seeing a lot more instability with msys. :-(
> Erik has seen lots of random crashes, I haven't seen many (just about one or two) but I have also 
> seen hangs.
> So we've basically taken the informal decision of not pushing the msys track any further. What's 
> in there will work properly some/most of the time. It might very well be good enough for 
> "community support", but it won't do to use in our build farms.
> That's the reason for the renewed efforts to get cygwin working. We concluded that there seems to 
> be just a single issue left with cygwin: if it hangs, it hangs at the "ctsym bug", so it should be 
> doable to  figure out what goes wrong and work around it. Msys, on the other hand, seemed much 
> more generally unstable.
I have never encountered this hang under cygwin.  How should I do a build to see if I can make it 
- jjh

> But we need to get either of them working, or we can't build with acceptable stability on Windows. 
> So it's really a high priority issue for us.
> /Magnus

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