Integration to jdk8/build has happened

David Holmes david.holmes at
Sat Oct 27 01:10:11 PDT 2012

When will jdk8/build integrate with jdk8/jdk8?


On 27/10/2012 8:30 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> I have integrated the build-infra/jdk8 changes into the jdk8/build forest.
> 8000992: Update new build-infra makefiles
> Caveats:
>    * Solaris 11 runs of the configure script are still broken as far as I know, if I can find a simple fix
>       I will try and fix this in build-infra/jdk8 and also in jdk8/build before the changes get integrated into
>       the master jdk8/jdk8 repository.
>    * build-infra/jdk8/langtools is not in sync with jdk8/build/langtools or jdk8/tl/langtools
>        It would be nice if this was in sync with some official langtools repository, I purposely
>       did NOT sync it with jdk8/build/langtools due to merge issues.
>    * build-infra/jdk8/hotspot is in sync with jdk8/build/hotspot, however we still have some minor
>       hotspot changes in build-infra/jdk8/hotspot that have not been integrated. I think this is the
>       webrev
>    * The top level nbproject files in the build-infra/jdk repository have NOT been integrated
>      I'm not sure what to do with these files, Jesper has some ideas about how we should add netbeans
>      projects to the repositories, so I will work with him on how to lay it all out.
> -kto

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