Solaris compiler setup ?

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Oct 31 21:23:14 PDT 2012

On 30/10/2012 5:39 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2012-10-26 16:36, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>> Pretty sure I don't need objective-C on Solaris :-)
>> I have a fix for that already. :-) But I'll want to double check that
>> on our test systems before I push it, so I don't put the current
>> integration in jeopardy.
> I forgot to push that fix. Done now.
> How far do you get this time? :-)

Not too far :(

checking for mozilla headers in /java... /java/devtools/share/plugin
checking for devtools path in /java... /java/devtools/i386/bin
checking for GCC compiler path in /java... /java/devtools/i386/gnucc/bin
configure: Current directory is 
configure: Since this is not the source root, configure will output the 
configuration here
configure: (as opposed to creating a configuration in 
configure: However, this directory is not empty. This is not allowed, 
since it could
configure: seriously mess up just about everything.
configure: Try 'cd /java/embedded/users/dh198349/build-infra' and 
restart configure
configure: (or create a new empty directory and cd to it).
configure: error: Will not continue creating configuration in 
configure exiting with result code 1


 > ls -l b01/se-solaris-i586-ea
total 40
-rw-r--r--   1 daholme  staff      19688 Nov  1 00:18 config.log

Is it tripping over its own output file ??? My script creates the output 
directory then cd's to it and invokes configure.


> /Magnus

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