building langtools (extension of partial builds)

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Tue Sep 18 09:20:19 PDT 2012

On 09/18/2012 08:48 AM, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
> 2012/9/18 Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at>:
>> Build-infra folk,
>> I see the top level common/makefiles/Makefile has a "langtools" target, and
>> langtools/makefiles/Makefile looks like it will do something useful, so if
>> I'm in a langtools repo, and have a full tl forest somewhere else, what are
>> the steps to configure and build my langtools repo?
> sh ../autoconf/configure --with-override-langtools=/home/jon/somewhere/langtools
> make langtools
> //Fredrik

Thanks. That's probably close enough for me to be able to figure out
what I need.   Since I want to be in the langtools repo, I presume I more
likely need something like
     sh /home/jon/somewhere-else/common/autoconf/configure 

Aaaargh.   It would seem that "make clean" will delete source files.   
Can I respectfully suggest that "make clean" should check if there is a 
.hg directory, and/or that configure should warn if being executed in a 
source-controlled directory, such as langtools.    Luckily it was a toy 

-- Jon

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