Testing OpenJDK under Windows 7 64, problem with Makefile

Daniel López d.lopez.j at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 04:05:06 PST 2013

Hi there,
I've been redirected here from the Adopt OpenJDK programme, as the
investigation while trying to "adopt" the OpenJDK build using Windows has
led me to some issues involving the build scripts.
Back to the point, I was able to successfully build the OpenJDK following
the instructions from the programme, but when it was time to verify the
build, the make did not succeed. After some research, I found out that one
of the issues is that, under Cygwin, the JDK does not like being passed the
Unix equivalent paths, so you need the DOS adapted ones, but the Makefile
is unable to work with the DOS adapted ones (due to the presence of ':' in
the paths that is interpreted as path separators). The Makefile is
transforming that paths and use them in several places (using cygpath -m -s
) but then it fails with a "multiple targets" error due to ':' being used
in some paths.

The solution I found was to convert the paths that are used internally
inside the Makefile using 'cygpath -u' and use the DOS paths when they are
passed to call the jtreg tool (a Java call). It surely needs some testing
and MK might have a similar problem (I have not tested it, I don't have it
installed) but just I wanted to let you know about the issue, in case
someone else has the same troubles.

How would you like to proceed with it? Google did not produce any bug
report that covered that and I'm quite new to the Adop OpenJDK programme
and the whole OpenJDK contribution (the documentation is not too clear as
it assumes a bug is already created and the bugDatabase page is a WIP).


To follow the whole discussion, the topic at the Adopt OpenJDK google group
should be here:

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