jdk8 Build changes

Steve Poole spoole at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 7 05:57:24 PST 2013

hi Kelly,
It's great to see these changes about to go mainstream. Really appreciate everyones effort in making this happen.  I have a few questions though (apologies if you've already answered them elsewhere) 

1 -  What does 'a limited  time' mean when referring to being able to use the old make file system?  
2 -  Do you plan to actively remove obsolete files?
3-   If so, on what sort of timescale will these files be removed? 


On 5 Jan 2013, at 05:07, Kelly O'Hair <kelly.ohair at oracle.com> wrote:

> Excuse the wide mailing, but it was important to try and reach anyone building jdk8.
> The jdk8/build repositories at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/build have been changed to use the new
> build-infra "configure&make" build setup, so it is official, but it still needs to be integrated into the
> main jdk8/jdk8 repositories at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8. This is expected to happen
> in 2 weeks.
> A few bullet points:
> * ANY changes to ANY make/ files from now until we integrate into jdk8/jdk8 represents a risk, please talk to us first.
> * Windows CYGWIN 1.7.16+ will be required, MKS will no longer work.
> * This only applies to builds being done from the top repository, i.e. building the entire JDK
> * Should be faster in all cases, however we have seen some cases where the benefit is slight, depends on the machine&disk used.
> * The highly parallel building could swamp some systems, you may need to use "make JOBS=2" to dial it down
> * For a limited time, the old Makefiles can still be used with "make NEWBUILD=false"
> * Also for a limited time, people allergic to using "configure" can try "make bridgeBuild"
> Please let us know about any issues you encounter, if you have access to JBS to file the issue please do so,
> use component=infrastructure and subcomponent=build, and add the label "build-infra".
> If you don't have access to JBS, provide us the details and we will file the issue for you.
> -kto

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