Build and Test guides & OpenJDK Wiki access

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Wed Jun 5 06:43:09 PDT 2013

Hi all,

The Adopt OpenJDK programme ( has extensive
wiki pages relating to building and testing OpenJDK (including IDE
support), which we keep up to date on a regular basis - (
an example).

I'm not currently recorded on the OpenJDK census (not sure if I qualify or
not), but we'd like to start working with some folks who have the right
Group/Project wiki access review what we have and to see if we can shift
some of this material over to OpenJDK proper.

Ongoing maintenance of these sorts of pages is also something that several
of us would be happy to do, but there is the catch-22 that most (all?) of
us aren't necessarily recorded in the Census.

Not sure how to proceed...


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