new hotspot build system
Magnus Ihse Bursie
magnus.ihse.bursie at
Tue Feb 16 21:12:23 UTC 2016
On 2016-02-13 16:26, Mike Burton wrote:
> As per email from Magnus we have been trying new hotspot build system at LJC HackTheTower today and got a strange issue:
> make test TEST="jdk_lang" fails at test/sun/reflect/constantPool/ConstantPoolTestDummy.jasm
> with error: Error. can't find jasm
> The error report shows the detail of failed command:
> /home/openjdk/dev/build-infra-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java \\
> -classpath /home/openjdk/dev/jtreg/lib/asmtools.jar \\
> org.openjdk.asmtools.jasm.Main -d /home/openjdk/dev/build-infra-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/testoutput/jdk_lang/JTwork/classes/0/sun/reflect/constantPool /home/openjdk/dev/build-infra-jdk9/jdk/test/sun/reflect/constantPool/ConstantPoolTestDummy.jasm
> Also pasting the above into command line failed.
> Building asmtools and copying asmtools.jar to ~/dev/jtreg (where the script is trying to find it) makes the pasted command work.
> But make test TEST="jdk_lang" fails again in the same way
Do you get the same issue if you clone and run "bash
common/bin/ update -r jdk-9+105"? That's the branch that the
build-infra changes is based on, and it sounds like it's a general issue
with the jtreg testing there. If so, it could well be worth pursuing,
but then it's not related to the changes in the build-infra forest. On
the other hand, if this issue does not repeat there, then it is indeed
caused by the build-infra changes. (This sounds a bit unlikely to me,
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