Small fixlet

Ray Gans Ray.Gans at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 8 12:27:49 PDT 2008

Not a problem Mario. These should continue to be living projects.  
There is no need to stop working on them because of the deadline. As  
long as you let us know what's changed (like you've done) that's is  



On Aug 6, 2008, at 10:19 AM, Mario Torre wrote:

> Dear Judges, Dear List,
> I would like to submit this small fix to our repository on
> The fix does not add new code, just removes one patch that can cause a
> StackOverflow.
> If you think we should not be allowed to push this patch, in order to
> still be able to test our code, please, do *not* apply
> "SunGraphicsEnvironment-cleanup.patch" to the patch queue.
> In case you prefer to use our branched repository, we will upload the
> fix shortly.
> Thanks,
> Mario
> -- 
> Mario Torre, Software Developer,
> aicas Allerton Interworks Computer Automated Systems GmbH
> Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18 * D-76131 Karlsruhe * Germany
>   * Tel: +49-721-663 968-53
> pgp key: PGP Key ID: 80F240CF
> Fingerprint: BA39 9666 94EC 8B73 27FA  FC7C 4086 63E3 80F2 40CF
> USt-Id: DE216375633, Handelsregister HRB 109481, AG Mannheim
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. James J. Hunt
> Please, support open standards:
> <fix-StackOverflow.patch>

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