DRAFT PROPOSAL: Implement XRender pipeline for Java2D

Wayne Meissner wmeissner at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 22:38:34 PST 2008

On 16/02/2008, Clemens Eisserer <linuxhippy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Attention: I am from Austria, as long as Austria is not in the list of
> countries allowed to participiate I may not work on this :-/

I hope Sun fixes that up quickly.  This proposal looks excellent now.

The only suggestion I have is it might be nice to have a table
illustrating the primitives each backend can accelerate.
                           | GL | D3D | XRender | X11
Anti-aliasing       | Y   |  Y     |  Y            |
Translucent Img | Y   |  Y     |  Y            |

I'm not sure if thats feasible for all the things XRender can
acclerate, but it gives a visual indicator of how equivalent to GL/D3D
Xrender can be.

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