How complete should a draft proposal be?

Rich Sands Richard.Sands at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 29 07:01:51 PST 2008

We have been envisioning a very open process where you can get early feedback, ideas, 
and collaborate on the mailing list. So draft proposals are a fine idea. The more 
transparent, the better, I would think.

	--  rms

Wayne Meissner wrote:
> Is it ok to post a draft proposal once we have just the outline of the
> idea, so we can get feedback to see if the idea is viable and/or will
> meet all the requirements, before going further with the proposal?
> i.e. is incremental draft proposal development & discussion ok, or
> should only "almost complete" drafts be posted?

Rich Sands                     Phone: +1 781 881 4067 / x81524
Community Marketing Manager    Email: richard.sands at
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