[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] DRAFT PROPOSAL: Implement XRender pipeline for Java2D

Clemens Eisserer linuxhippy at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 03:05:16 PST 2008

Hi Dmitri,

>    this looks like a good project.
>    We currently have no solution for the remote X
>    case, XRender pipeline may be a good answer.
XRender would also have many advantages when used on a local X-Server...
Scaling, transformations, antialiasing, composition ... :)

>    The requirements are simple: be at least as fast, stable
>    and produce very similar rendering as the X11 pipeline =)
>    It also should work on at least the same platforms
>    as openjdk - meaning Solaris and Linux.
Of course, these are also my goals.
In general it should be faster than the X11 pipeline, and also faster
than the OpenGL pipeline for simple primitives.

>    Some notes - if this project is to be integrated into
>    the openjdk at some point as the default pipeline on unix
>    (with the current X11 pipeline as backup) it will have to meet
>    very stringent requirements in terms of performance,
>    stability and rendering quality.
I don't think that I can reach integration-quality within the few
months the challenge is running, at least I would not have the heart
to do so in such a short timeframe (it should have been extensive
tested and benchmarked before integration). But of course my goal is
to produce something working very well, which can be used out-of-the
box by almost everybody with a modern X-Server.
However as you know I am very interested to get this integrated in the
long-term, so I won't stand still after the challenge.

>    I can be your contact point for the project, I'll
>    point you to other people if needed. But unfortunately
>    we're all super-busy now, so don't expect immediate
>    responses..
That would be really great, thanks a lot :)

Thanks a lot for beeing that patient, lg Clemens

2008/3/1, Dmitri Trembovetski <Dmitri.Trembovetski at sun.com>:
>    Hi Clemens,
>    We currently have no solution for the remote X
>    case, XRender pipeline may be a good answer.
>    Some notes - if this project is to be integrated into
>    the openjdk at some point as the default pipeline on unix
>    (with the current X11 pipeline as backup) it will have to meet
>    very stringent requirements in terms of performance,
>    stability and rendering quality.
>    The requirements are simple: be at least as fast, stable
>    and produce very similar rendering as the X11 pipeline =)
>    It also should work on at least the same platforms
>    as openjdk - meaning Solaris and Linux.
>    I can be your contact point for the project, I'll
>    point you to other people if needed. But unfortunately
>    we're all super-busy now, so don't expect immediate
>    responses..
>    Thanks,
>      Dmitri
>  Clemens Eisserer wrote:
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > Also sorry for cross-posting, I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to
>  > let you guys on the 2d-dev list know about my proposal. Sorry for the
>  > traffic.
>  >
>  > I would be very happy about suggestions and ideas howto enhance the
>  > proposal as well as maybe some patronage at
>  > challenge-discuss at openjdk.java.net.
>  > I have to admit the best that I could imagine is something like a
>  > supporter directly from Sun, like  what "Charles Oliver Nutter" did
>  > for the Better-native-Interface-Proposal ;)
>  >
>  > Thanks for reading, lg Clemens
>  >
>  > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  > 1.) Introduction
>  > The more advanced features of Java2D are used in a lot new key
>  > technologies like JavaFX, Nimbus, SVG, Arith and even native Swing
>  > themes like the GtkLookAndFeel and without any doubt their use will
>  > grow further.
>  > Since its introduction, Java2D supports very advanced rendering
>  > operations, although only very basic operations were accelerated by
>  > hardware, because the underlying APIs were very poor.
>  > However software-rendering leads to low performance and bad user
>  > experience in this case.
>  >
>  > Modern 3D graphic APIs, like OpenGL or Direct3D, allow to map most of
>  > Java2D's functionality without the need for expensive read-backs
>  > and/or software rendering.
>  > To make that functionality available to the Java platform two new
>  > „pipelines" where created:
>  > The OpenGL pipeline for non Windows platforms, and the Direct3D
>  > pipeline for the Microsoft Windows operating systems only.
>  > However OpenGL on Unix in general has some disadvantages compared to
>  > X11 for typical desktop applications, because of poor drivers its
>  > often not possible to use that new functionality and Java falls back
>  > to the default X11 rendering pipeline.
>  >
>  > An Xrender backend for Java2D would provide almost the same features
>  > as the existing OpenGL pipeline, however would run on a much larger
>  > set of hardware and would integrate better into existing X11 based
>  > desktops.
>  > With the Xrender backend developers and users could rely on almost the
>  > same set of functionality accelerated by default on all platforms
>  > supported currently by OpenJDK, e.g. JavaFX animations could run at
>  > almost the same speed everywhere.
>  >
>  >
>  > 2.) Status Quo
>  > The existing X11 pipeline used on Unix systems is only capable of
>  > accelerating basic operations and falls back to software rendering
>  > even for often used operations like antialiasing (even for text!) or
>  > translucent images often causing expensive VRAM readbacks.
>  > Because of X11's very limited rendering capabilities Xrender was
>  > introduced back in 2001, and after a long delay first drivers are
>  > available which accelerate large areas of Xrender.
>  >
>  > XRender allows to accelerate most of Java2D's functionality, and it is
>  > considered to be the de-facto standard for advanced 2D graphics,
>  > already used by a large set of libraries and toolkits like Cairo,
>  > GTK+, QT4 and KDE4.
>  > Because of the broad and extensive use of Xrender there is currently
>  > major work ongoing to modify drivers for better Xrender performance.
>  >
>  > There is already an OpenGL backend for Java2D which is about as
>  > powerful as its Direct3D counterpart on Windows.
>  > Unlike on Windows where Microsoft starting with Windows Vista
>  > more or less deprecated all interfaces except Direct3D, and therefor
>  > forces GPU/driver manufacturers to create drivers well suited also for
>  > 2D rendering, on Unix good
>  > OpenGL drivers are still rare and only proprietary drivers are till
>  > now able to run the OpenGL pipeline.
>  > However those proprietary drivers are often optimized for heavy-weight 3D
>  > applications like games and are not really suited for rendering
>  > light-weight simple 2D applications.
>  >
>  > A small overview about the advantages/disadvantages Xrender has
>  > compared to OpenGL:
>  >
>  > + Lower per-primitive overhead:
>  > Because Xrender is compared to OpenGL a lot simpler, there is less
>  > work for the accelerating driver to do for each primitive rendering
>  > operation. This is especially important for complex shapes which are
>  > transformed to many rectangles which then are passed to the underlying
>  > graphic API.
>  > To make it short: Because Xrender focuses on only a small set of
>  > „simple" operations, driver implementers can focus on making those few
>  > operations as fast as possible.
>  >
>  > + Support for higher-level primitives:
>  > Xrender has support for client-side font rendering, which means glyphs
>  > which are cached in vram can be shared across different applications.
>  > For OpenGL each application has to upload its glyphs into a private
>  > texture wasting large amounts of Vram.
>  > Because it was designed with 2D graphics in mind many features can be
>  > directly mapped to Xrender without the need of complex shaders.
>  >
>  > + Reliable AntiAliasing:
>  > Because Xrender specifies exactly how antialiasing has to be done,
>  > Java2D can rely on Xrender's antialiasing capabilities. The Direct3D
>  > and OpenGL pipelines render a alpha-mask in software, upload it to
>  > vram and only let the GPU only do the final composition step.
>  > Because of this, the amount of data transferred between the Xserver
>  > and the Java application would be reduced a lot, making antialising
>  > even usable over slow remote connections.
>  >
>  > + Better driver support:
>  > On Linux only proprietary OpenGL implementations provide enough
>  > functionality to let the OpenGL pipeline run. However even those
>  > proprietary drivers were/are buggy in the code-paths exercised by the
>  > OpenGL pipeline - sometimes new drivers even broke the OpenGL
>  > pipeline.
>  > For Xrender there are already many optimized drivers, both open-source
>  > (Intel, ATI, ...) and proprietary (Nvidia). Because of the high
>  > adaption rate of Xrender lately (KDE4, Cairo, GTK+, ...) it can be
>  > expected that soon more and more drivers will support Xrender
>  > acceleration.
>  >
>  > + Better desktop integration:
>  > Xrender applications are „native" X11 applications, and therefor work
>  > well with composition managers. They also get visuals optimized for
>  > 2D, and do not waste Vram with additional buffers they get, although
>  > they are not used.
>  >
>  > + Better network transparency:
>  > Although OpenGL can also be made network-transparent via GLX, the
>  > OpenGL API was not designed to perform especially well in a network
>  > environment.
>  > X11/XRender relies on the Client-Server approach and therefor is
>  > optimized for exactly this case.
>  >
>  > - Not programmable:
>  > A disadvantage of Xrender is that its not as flexible as OpenGL.
>  > OpenGL allows to use shaders to implement features not provided by
>  > fixed functionality, the only solution for a Xrender based backend is
>  > to fall back to software rendering.
>  >
>  >
>  > 3.) Goals
>  > The goal of this proposal is to make use of Xrender for accelerating
>  > even advanced Java2D functionality.
>  > This would allow multimedia applications/content like JavaFX to take
>  > advantage of modern hardware, and would bring JDK6Update10 graphic
>  > features also to X11/Unix based platforms.
>  >
>  > Some of the most important enhancements compared to the X11 pipeline include:
>  > * Accelerated text rendering for normal, antialiased and subpixel
>  > antialiased text.
>  > * Support for translucent images
>  > * Composition (colors with alpha values, ...)
>  > * Antialiasing
>  >
>  > A long-term goal would be to make the existing X11 pipeline obsolete
>  > once the XRender backend has prooven to be stable, removing the burden
>  > of maintaining two, in their dedication similar, backends.
>  >
>  >
>  > 4.) Approach
>  > XRender has a lot in common with OpenGL/Direct3D and is a very
>  > low-level API which supports only a limited number of drawing
>  > primitives but it is very flexible in the way of operations it
>  > operates with those operations. Therefor the approach would be to
>  > create a brand new backend based on the shared code developed for the
>  > OpenGL/Direct3D pipelines in JDK6-u10.
>  > The advantage of this approach would be a „clean start", as well as a
>  > lot shared code between OpenGL/Direct3D/XRender backends.
>  > The downside is that some highly optimized primitives which are
>  > supported by X11's core drawing (Arcs, Elipses, ..) maybe perform a
>  > little bit less well. Furthermore new code needs a lot of testing.
>  >
>  >
>  > 5.) Milestones
>  > 5.1) Create a skeleton which is able to use the shared OpenGL/Direct3D code
>  > 5.2) Implement only enough to functionality to make
>  > software-rendering-loops work.
>  > 5.3) Extend the created skeleton, accelerate basic operations -> Make
>  > typical Swing/Ocean applications work well.
>  > 5.4) Accelerate more advanced functionality like gradients,
>  > composition and antialising -> Accalerate most of Java2Demo, make the
>  > Nimbus LnF work well.
>  > 5.5) Extensive profiling and compatibility testing, using self
>  > written, Sun's jtreg and real- world tests, reporting performance and
>  > implementation problems back to driver programmers. Make sure large
>  > graphical applications work well.
>  >
>  >
>  > 6.) Developer
>  > Clemens Eisserer is Student at the Technical University of Vienna
>  > (Information Technology) and:
>  > * Has submitted patches and regression tests to jdk-collaboration
>  > (plugin, webstart) and OpenJDK (Java2D, Corelibs)
>  > * Implemented JLayeredPane for SwingWT: http://swingwt.sourceforge.net/
>  > * Ported Kaffe's XAWT to GCJ: http://sf.net/projects/xawt
>  > * Is working on an open-source remote-swing project:
>  > http://juibrowser.sourceforge.net/
>  > * Compiled and packaged a free JVM for the Nokia770 internet tablet.
>  > * Is working on enhancing GTK's theme API and later on adapting
>  > GtkLookAndFeel to take advantage of those enhancements:
>  > http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=515600
>  > * Finished some commercial projects written in Java with focus on
>  > client-server architectures
>  >
>  >
>  > 7.) Links, References, ...
>  > http://keithp.com/~keithp/render/
>  > http://www.nabble.com/Best-way-organizing-XRender-additions-for-the-X11-pipeline--td14152122.html
>  > http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=934&num=1
>  > http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=5086814 (RFE: Java 2D: consider
>  > Xrender for anti-aliased text on remote X11)
>  > http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6307603 ([X11] Use RENDER
>  > extension for complex operations done in software)

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