DRAFT PROPOSAL: Developing APIs for Stream Connection between mobile device/application and desktop via bluetooth

Robin Srivastava srivastava.robin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 10:35:57 PST 2008

1.0 Propasal's Idea


This propasal puts forward the idea of allowing stream connection between a mobile device/applications (J2ME) and desktop applications (J2SE) using Bluetooth Technology. A number of data sharing methodologies are available for communicating between two or more desktop application or between two or more mobile devices/application. This idea, when materialized, will allow the users to send/receive data from mobile device to PCs in the form of streams of data and vice-versa via bluetooth.

2.0 Background & Abstraction of Idea from it


With reference to JSR-82, communication support for the following layers have been already provided by the aforementioned JSR :-

>> Service Discovery Protocol

>> RFCOMM (type 1 device support)


Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) 
>> OBEX Support

However the implementation provided by JSR - 82 provide the communication facilities from one mobile device to yet another mobile device. 

On the similar pattern when we talk about two or more PCs - they can communicate among themselves through various methodologies :-

>> Socket programming

>> RMI

Various types of traffic can be considered while communication which implements a number of different protocols, example - TCP/IP, UDP etc.

We will be developing an API which would facilitate stream connection between a mobile device/application and a desktop application. A socket would be created at the desktop application side and similarly a connector would open at the side of mobile device/application. A reference of InputStream and OutputStream on both the sides would be then obtained to send and receive data as streams.

3.0 Implementaion


For implementing the idea outlined in this proposal we need to work keeping in mind three different aspacts :- 

>> making and opening a connector at the mobile side

>> making and opening a connector at desktop side 

>> allowing the communication of data between them. 

It would follow either its own protocol for communication or some existing standard protocol.
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