DRAFT PROPOSAL: Implementing Modified CICE and Block-Attached Calling

Haitao Sun remaker at devtaste.com
Sat Mar 1 12:10:02 PST 2008

                        DRAFT PROPOSAL

      Implementing Modified CICE and Block-Attached Calling

                          SUN Haitao

I propose implementing a Java compiler with the following features:

* A new form of instance creating expression base on CICE[2] (with
some modification).

* A general control abstraction mechanism called "Block-Attached
Calling" (like "blocks"[1] in Ruby).

* An annotation to indicate the "major" method of concrete classes.
(So they can be treat like single-abstract-method types)

1. Design Goals

The major goal of this proposal is to try to add an expressive
control abstraction mechanism to Java in an easy-to-grasp way.

The minor goal of this proposal is to try to find out an attractive
solution for those who don't want closures in Java 7.

A mechanism which is not expressive enough often is bundled with the
following problems:

1) It can't express some useful abstractions. That takes programs
both hard to write and hard to read.

2) It's not cool enough. Then no one want trying it in early stage.
Without hundreds of thousands explorers, it's pretty hard to know
the feature's potentials, limitations, and proper usage.

3) Similar mechanism will be introduced again and again to express
more. That hurts orthogonality and brings complexity.

A mechanism which is not easy-to-grasp enough often have the
following short-comings:

1) It's hard to learn. It's certainly that developers smart enough
can handle this, but focusing their wisdom on real problems will
create a much better world.

2) It's hard to implement and optimize. The absence of optimized
implementation will prolong adoption cycle, and being adopted fast is
a key to success in market.

2. Introductions

All three features proposed are inspired by original CICE proposal.

1.1 The modified CICE

I propose the following modification to CICE:

1) For concrete classes, the name of method to be override can be used
to solve ambiguity.

2) When using as arguments, the type part is optional.

1.2 the BAC mechanism

I propose a mechanism called Block-Attached Calling. It works like
Ruby blocks. So we can test whether mechanisms to define control
constructs are worth adding.

The main idea of BAC is that if the last argument is an CICE, its body
can be placed after the right parenthesis of the method calling. If
there is a formal parameter list, quotes it with "|" and use it as the
last argument.

If we adopt this proposal, we can write the following code slices:

    // Loop Abstraction
    // ``repeat`` is an user-defined method
    repeat(3, |int i|) {
        //do something

    // Resource Management
    // ``with`` is an user-defined method
    with(resource) {
        //do something

There is no public draft specification of BAC yet.

1.3 The "major" Annotation

I propose an annotation called "major" to indicate the "major" method
of concrete classes.

Concrete classes with one method annotated as "major" can be treat
like single-abstract-method types. The "major" method be treat as the
single abstract method.

3. Deliverables

The planned deliverables are:

1) The specification of the Block-Attached Calling mechanism and the
modified CICE.

2) The source code of the prototype compiler and related test suite.

3) The implementation and javadoc of the "major" annotation.

4. Existing Works

The compiler will based on an SVN version of the compiler in OpenJDK.

Some ideas may be inspired by BGGA[3] proposal and FCM[4] proposal.

5. Dependencies on Sun

There are no known dependencies on Sun with following exceptions:

* The compiler is based on the compiler in OpenJDK.

* "SUN" happens to be my surname.

6. Related Works

[1] Programming Ruby
[2] Concise Instance Creation Expressions: Closures without Complexity
[3] Closures for the Java Programming Language
[4] First-Class Methods

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