DRAFT PROPOSAL Pot Pourri - Augmented Stack Traces, ServiceProvider annotation and processor, Enhanced For Loop utility class
Bruce Chapman & Barbara Carey
cadenza at paradise.net.nz
Sat Mar 1 22:28:47 PST 2008
Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> I wonder if a general mechanism for decorating the stack could be part
> of this? My understanding of exception handling performance is such
> that handling the exception is actually the more expensive part; so I
> would expect that handling and re-handling to augment the exception at
> various levels would add more overhead. One thing I've often wanted is
> a way to decorate the stack with additional information *ahead of
> time* so that when/if an exception is raised that information can
> automatically be attached. In my case, it's for JRuby, where we have a
> "virtual" Ruby stack trace alongside the Java stack trace. It's not
> useful for us to dump out the entire Java stack trace, since it
> includes information about Java frames unrelated to the user's code.
> And we can't just filter the Ruby frames, because JRuby is mixed-mode
> and some of those frames will be interpreted calls (and therefore be
> identical to one another). A way to attach information to the current
> frame (Thread.current.augmentFrame(Object)) and register a backtrace
> handler (Thread.current.attachBacktraceCallback(...)) would provide a
> way to attach useful arbitrary data to the call frame for many uses.
> Thoughts?
> - Charlie
Thanks for the comments.
I had initially though of a similar mechanism to that. See
However that requires quite deep changes in the JVM and the JVM spec and
probably the language.
My proposal can do similar with a little more effort from developers
(over-use is probably to be discouraged so some effort is a good thing
IMHO), with just a library change (albeit changes to Throwable and
StackTraceElement which are pretty core), feasibility of actually doing
it trumps performance :)
If my proposal made it into a future JDK release (it can't be done as an
add on library) and was well accepted but performance was shown to be a
problem, then a declarative approach to the augmenting data could be
added to the JVM. later (maybe)
Performance wise some inital tests showed that avoiding filling in a new
(reusable actually) stack trace in order to get the depth at which the
augmentation should occur roughly doubled the performance, so that
second stack trace chewed up quite a few horsepower.
Regards your ruby project, I think you should be able to grab the stack
trace for an exception, and replace it with a manufactured stack trace,
with manufactured stack trace elements. I have been successful in using
this technique to augment stack traces (albeit I was suffixing the
context info after the method name with inverted parenthesis around it
to make it look like it was another item in the stack trace element.)
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