DRAFT PROPOSAL: Porting the HotSpot VM to Haiku x86

Fabrizio Giudici fabrizio.giudici at tidalwave.it
Sun Mar 2 15:19:57 PST 2008

On 03/mar/08, at 00:02, Clemens Eisserer wrote:

> Hi Bryan,
> Although I think the Haiku port of OpenJDK would be a perfect fit for
> the challenge, I fear that the proposal stage is already over (March
> 2, 2008 at 11:59 P.M. (PST)).
> I've maybe understood something wrong (I had to search quite a bit
> arround to get the delta of UTC-1 and PST), maybe you have luck and
> its accepted  - or I am completly wrong with timezone calculation ...

Pacific Time has still about 8 hours to go...

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
weblogs.java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/blog
Fabrizio.Giudici at tidalwave.it - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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