Announcing Finalists for the OpenJDK Community Innovator's Challenge

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Thu Mar 20 12:06:12 PDT 2008

On 18/03/2008, Roman Kennke <roman.kennke at> wrote:
> Hey,
>  > >  The finalists will be notified and project space set up for them if needed in the
>  > >  OpenJDK Community.
>  > ....
>  >
>  > Sorry to be a pain, but I take it this is still a work in progress? I
>  > don't see any other mails yet.
> Give them a short break! That must have been a lot of work to read
>  through all the proposals and come to a decision. I'd like to say thank
>  you for all that. And of course, good luck to all the finalists.

I am! Hence the disclaimer ;)
I was more concerned some important mail had got lost en route than
about immediate project access and such.  That's why Mercurial (and
other distributed version control systems for that matter) is so
great, you can pile stuff up locally much easier.

>  Shouldn't be a problem to work in a private repo for one or some more
>  days ;-)
>  > >  Regards,
>  > >
>  > >      --  rms
>  I always laugh my ass off when I read this! :-D

Hehe, me too!

>  Cheers, Roman
>  --
>  Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Roman Kennke, Software Engineer,
>  aicas Allerton Interworks Computer Automated Systems GmbH
>  Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18 * D-76131 Karlsruhe * Germany
>   * Tel: +49-721-663 968-0
>  USt-Id: DE216375633, Handelsregister HRB 109481, AG Karlsruhe
>  Geschäftsführer: Dr. James J. Hunt

Andrew :-)

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