Affadavit for OpenJDK challenge

Ray Gans Ray.Gans at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 16 15:36:52 PDT 2008

Hi Stephen, Michael,

I've checked with the folks administrating the contest and they said  
there is no reason or expectation to ever publish private home  
addresses. I was told that the request for the right to use the  
addresses of the winners is just standard practice and has not been an  
issue in the past. No one has been able to tell me why it is "standard  
practice" but they promised to revisit the language for the next  
contest we do.

Sun does want the ability to publish the country and state of the  
winners (and perhaps the city), however, as part of the press  

Hope this helps.


On Sep 15, 2008, at 2:03 PM, Michael Nascimento wrote:

> Yes, I feel the same about it. Looking forward to hearing some
> feedback from you, guys.
> Regards,
> Michael
> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at 
> > wrote:
>> I wanted to place on public record my opposition to the legal  
>> statement that
>> I have had to sign as part of the Open JDK challenge.
>> "I hereby grant to the Sponsor the absolute right and permission to  
>> use my
>> name, address and/or photograph in any and all advertising and  
>> promotional
>> materials, or to refrain from doing so, in any manner or media  
>> whatsoever,
>> worldwide, for advertising and promotional purposes in conjunction  
>> with
>> promotions for the Contest without notice to me and without further
>> compensation. I shall have no right of approval, no claim to any
>> compensation, and no claim arising out of the use, alteration,  
>> distortion or
>> illusionary effect or use in any composite form of my name, address,
>> photograph or likeness."
>> Specifically, I object in the strongest terms to giving Sun  
>> Microsystems
>> full and absolute rights to publish my entire private home address  
>> as they
>> see fit. I don't know whether this was just bad legalese, or  
>> whether privacy
>> means less in the US, but signing this has been a big deal for me.  
>> (It is
>> possible that this is a legal requrement for competitions, and if  
>> so then I
>> withdraw the complaint).
>> I hope this email serves as a warning to any other challenge  
>> entrant as to
>> exactly how much they are signing away. Should the challenge  
>> concept be
>> repeated, I would ask that this clause (address) be reviewed.
>> thanks for listening,
>> Stephen

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