OpenJDK Community Innovators' Challenge Awards Announced

Andy Tripp openjdk at
Tue Sep 30 15:22:34 PDT 2008

Thanks Ray,

The reason I asked is so that people who might be interested in applying next year
(if there is one) can be aware of where they need to be careful about.
As a casual observer, it looked like all the submissions were complete.
I'd hate to apply next year and do the work, only to find that it's
not considered by Sun to be complete.

Congratulations on a well run contest!


Ray Gans wrote:
> I won't justify the decisions of the judges or mention any specifics, 
> but the process used was to first determine if the finalists completed 
> the deliverables listed in their proposals and that they met all other 
> requirements of the contest rules [1], For those that did, and by using 
> the materials presented as their Final Project submissions, each project 
> was evaluated by the judges for technical merit and value to the 
> community. Ranking was established through discussion and weightings 
> defined by the contest rules. The results were one first place winner, 
> one second place winner and two tied for third place.
> -Ray
> 1.
> On Sep 30, 2008, at 6:39 AM, Andy Tripp wrote:
>> I'd also be interested to know why the non-winners were not eligible.
>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> Will there be any explanation of how the finalists were judged?
>>> I'd be interested to know why one project got 'bronze' and another
>>> got 'gold' for example.
>>> Thanks,

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