Experience report
Dan Heidinga
heidinga at redhat.com
Mon Aug 15 20:26:20 UTC 2022
Thanks for the feedback, Brian.
I've worked through the suggestions on the various ways to update an
Attribute {use a stateful ClassTransform, use builder.original().get()} and
found the "original().get()" approach felt the cleanest and clearest for
what I was doing.
While working on that, I also added the ::with & ::withSymbols methods I
had proposed and opened a PR [0] to see if the fleshed out API fit with the
general way you wanted to evolve this. If that approach looks good, then I
can extend it to the other attributes that may benefit from similar
methods. (See the PR for a list)
The code using the new methods looks like:
ClassTransform.endHandler(b -> {
NestMembersAttribute newAttribute =
.map(nma -> NestMembersAttribute.withSymbols(nma, nestMembers))
which ends up being a pretty straightforward way to split between creating
a new attribute for just the new items creating a new attribute from the
combo of old + additions.
[0] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk-sandbox/pull/31
On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 5:08 PM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the experience report! Some comments inline.
> On 8/4/2022 4:19 PM, Dan Heidinga wrote:
> > Congrats to all involved in building this api! It's been easy to pick
> > up and get started with.
> Just as streams was the first API we "designed for lambdas", this is the
> first API we "designed for pattern matching."
> > The examples in the package-summary give a good starting point, though
> > I stumbled slightly when switching from purely reading to actually
> > transforming classfiles. I hit the "Writing classes" examples first
> > and rat-holed a bit there before realizing that I only needed the
> > ClassModel::transform call. It might be worth re-ordering the flow to
> > put transformation first as in my experience that's more common than
> > writing new classfiles.
> I think we also need a lot more examples about transformation. The
> transformation API may be simple, but there is some subtlety to it and
> it needs a lot more examples.
> > One of the areas I was modifying was the NEST_HOST and NEST_MEMBERS
> > attributes. Adapting an attribute, like adding new members to a
> > NEST_MEMBERS attribute, feels unpolished as it requires removing the
> > existing attribute and then adding an entirely new one. It would feel
> > more straightforward if there was a way to generate a new attribute
> > from the old with additions. Some kind of ::withSymbols method maybe?
> This use case (and similar: adding an annotation, adding an interface,
> etc) was something we struggled with for a long time. I rewrote the
> transformation API several times, and each time this case was on my
> mind. I am hoping that what is missing here is just the example in the
> documentation, rather than an entire new mechanism.
> The basic problem is that for any of the attributes that carry "list of
> stuff", and you want to add an item, you don't know until the end of the
> iteration whether you need to create a new attribute with one thing or
> transform the existing attribute. There are a few ways to do it, some
> require more hoop jumping than others.
> Note that the Transform interfaces, while SAM types, have some extra
> methods -- atStart(b) and atEnd(b). These are default methods whose
> default implementation does nothing, so that you can have a transform
> lambda, but if you want to use either of these methods in your
> transform, you need a class (anonymous or otherwise.)
> You also need to manage at least one bit of state: is there an element
> that carries the list of stuff in the stream, or not? And there are two
> ways to manage this: either use the existing model to store your state,
> or track the state in your transform object.
> The first way is simpler in that you can get someone else (the model) to
> do your state management, but feels a little distasteful. What you do is:
> - have the accept method always ignore the list-carrier element (e.g.,
> NestMembers)
> - have the atEnd method query builder().original() to see if the
> list-carrier element is present (e.g., findAttribute()); if it is
> present, get it and transform it and send it downstream, and if is not
> present, generate a new one.
> new ClassTransform() {
> void accept(ClassBuilder b, ClassElement e) {
> switch (e) {
> case NestMembersAttribute a -> break;
> ... other transform stuff ...
> }
> }
> void atEnd(ClassBuilder b) {
> Optional<NestMembersAttribute> a =
> b.original().get().findAttribute(Attributes.NEST_MEMBERS);
> if (a.isPresent()) {
> // transform a, send it to builder
> }
> else {
> // make new attribute, send it to builder
> }
> }
> }
> This is straightforward enough, but it feels a little disconnected.
> The other way involves a _stateful_ transform, where there is state in
> the transform class. This feels a little more honest, but it means you
> have to use the XxxTransform::ofStateful factory. Here, you transform
> elements as you go, and you record whether you saw the NestMembers
> attribute, and if you didn't, you emit a fresh one in the atEnd:
> () -> new ClassTransform() {
> boolean foundNM = false;
> void accept(ClassBuilder b, ClassElement e) {
> switch (e) {
> case NestMembersAttribute a -> { transform a; foundNM =
> true; }
> ... other transform stuff ...
> }
> }
> void atEnd(ClassBuilder b) {
> if (!foundNM)
> builder.accept(NestMembersAttribute.of(...));
> }
> }
> > I ended up reading the existing members, creating a new attribute from
> > the existing & new members, then replacing the entire attribute with
> > the new one. It was easy to do with a composed transform (very nice
> > by the way!), but my code feels ugly in this case - is there a better
> > way to do an update of an attribute like this?
> Does the second example above seem better?
> > There are several ::of methods on NestMembersAttribute that help but
> > it might be worth adding a ::withSymbols(NestMembersAttribute,
> > ClassDesc... additions) api. I can create a PR if there's interest in
> > these kinds of additions.
> Yes, we are interested in usability feedback like this. A PR is a good
> place to start. I am interested in ensuring that we apply some
> relatively uniform principles across the API about what factories we
> provide, though, to avoid whack-a-mole in the future. So if we are
> missing some overloads for NestMembersAttribute::of, we're probably also
> missing the same in Interfaces and other places too.
> > One of the areas I was slightly concerned about was object allocation.
> > I haven't measured it but using the APIs - especially mixing
> > ClassEntry & j.l.constant.ClassDesc - feels like it generates a lot of
> > temporary objects to get a set of entries into a consistent format.
> > I needed to convert from one format to the other to be able to create
> > new attributes - ie: read the set of ClassEntries and then convert
> > them to ClassDesc so they fit with the ClassDesc I already had in
> > hand. The ::with* apis additions might help here as well? Or maybe
> > there's a better pattern for what I'm trying to do. Guidance
> > appreciated.
> Clearly we've opted into a higher degree of cost relative to ASM on
> this. (On the other hand, we picked up a lot both from laziness and
> from constant pool sharing, so some of this cancels out.) The basic
> principle is that there are both "close to the format" and "convenience"
> representations for both things, such as ClassEntry and ClassDesc. (We
> struggled over whether to admit strings at all, and are currently biased
> against using strings for anything other than names, because anyone who
> has used ASM a lot has made the "com/foo/Bar" vs "com.foo.Bar" vs
> "Lcom/foo/Bar;" mistake at least a hundred bajillion times.) But a
> ClassDesc is more expensive to make and manipulate than a string.
> So the advice is to get things into the most close-to-the-representation
> format as early as possible (e.g., ClassEntry). And ClassEntry has both
> asSymbol() (a ClassDesc) and asInternalName() (a String), so you don't
> have to go through ClassDesc when transforming. Adam is also adding
> ClassDesc::fromInternalName as an alternate factory to ClassDesc.
> My sense is that we have not quite finished rationalizing
> representations when it comes to transforming. If you find yourself
> having to convert a lot of stuff to ClassDesc and back when
> transforming, either there's a better way to do it, or we should expose
> a better way to do it. Hopefully one that doesn't leave users in the
> position of guessing "what kind of string is this."
> > Composable ClassTransforms are a very nice addition in the API. After
> > writing the code that dropped an attribute, and replaced it with an
> > updated attribute, I was able to lift that into a composed transform
> > that could be reused in several places.
> This was the holy grail I was seeking, and it took several iterations of
> the API to get there. I'm glad we got there.
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