RFR: Classfile API stack maps processing

Adam Sotona adam.sotona at oracle.com
Wed Aug 17 17:27:26 UTC 2022

I thought PROCESS_STACK_MAP switch is clear the maps will pass to the CodeBuilder.
In all the above cases the relevant attributes appear or disappear from processing.
I still “slightly” think that if user drops something specific to CodeBuilder – it should override even the Generator.
However I’m ready to put Generator priority over the content dropped to CodeBuilder.

What about another option to keep the status quo, drop PROCESS_STACK_MAP switch and do not stream StackMapAttribute at all?
As users can still access it from CodeModel::findAttribute(Attributes.STACK_MAP_TABLE) and manually pass it to CodeBuilder, which will then override even Generator.

From: Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2022 18:58
To: Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at oracle.com>, classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org <classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org>
Subject: Re: RFR: Classfile API stack maps processing

1.       Processing stack maps is extremely advanced feature and 99.9% of users don’t want to touch it, so why PROCESS_STACK_MAP is off by default and GENERATE_STACK_MAPS is on by default

Agree with this.

1.       When the 0.1% user needs to process the stack maps, he needs full control over it. So when user enables PROCESS_STACK_MAP, full control of what drops to code builder is up-to user.

OK, I don't mind two options, but I'd like to be clear on what they mean.  I don't think that merely turning on PROCESS_STACK_MAP will clue the user in to the fact that they have disengaged all the safety guards.  Some users may just want to _read_ the stack map.  So I'm OK with having both PROCESS and GENERATE options, but we should be clear what they mean, and be conservative in their meanings.  Here's what makes sense to me:

GENERATE: the stack map is *always* generated by the library.  Any stack maps sent downstream are still ignored.
PROCESS: send the stack map to the user.
PROCESS & !GENERATE: send the stack map to the user, write any stack map the user supplied to the classfile.

So users who want full control select PROCESS and !GENERATE; users who want to see the stackmap select PROCESS only; users who don't care about stack maps (which is most of them) select neither.

I think what this exposes is we need a way to override some options on a per-method basis, which is a separate problem.

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