[External] : Re: Classfile API cleanup of labelToBci from CodeModel and CodeBuilder and removal of impl.LabelResolver

Michael van Acken michael.van.acken at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 07:13:16 UTC 2022

Am Fr., 19. Aug. 2022 um 09:01 Uhr schrieb Adam Sotona <
adam.sotona at oracle.com>:

> *From: *Michael van Acken <michael.van.acken at gmail.com>
> This sounds interesting.  Right now I am staying away from the higher
> level entry points,
> because of their WIP implementation -- as I found out when I tried to use
> ifThenElse().
> `trying` doesn't seem to support finally right now.
> CodeBuilder.CatchBuilder::catchingAll(…) represents finally block

I was referring to the part where the code of the finally block is
into all paths right after their respective handled regions.  Looking at the
CodeBuilder source code, I can't find any of this.

> Having access to a BlockCodeBuilder instance and its isEmpty would solve my
> problem.  Is this something that can be done from the public API?
> CodeBuilder::block(…)

This method encapsulates a BlockCodeBuilder instance, but does not
provide it to the caller (the `child` below):

    default CodeBuilder block(Consumer<BlockCodeBuilder> handler) {
        Label breakLabel = newLabel();
        BlockCodeBuilderImpl child = new BlockCodeBuilderImpl(this,
        return this;

-- mva
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