POC: JDK ClassModel -> ASM ClassReader

ebruneton at free.fr ebruneton at free.fr
Wed Jul 20 17:42:29 UTC 2022

Hi Adam,

Le 20/07/2022 10:05, Adam Sotona a écrit :
> Thanks for pointing ClassRemapper out. It was written as an example of
> transformations modularity for jdk.jfr class instrumentation use case.
> The implementation is incomplete yet, however I see no blockers to
> finish it and keep it up to date with every new JDK feature coming.

Of course. I was not saying it can't be finished. My point was that if 
this was a library outside the JDK, written for JDK 1.5 or so (imagining 
that the ClassFile API existed back then), and no longer maintained 
since, everyone depending directly or indirectly on it would be stuck to 
JDK 1.5, despite the ClassFile API evolving in sync with the JDK. This 
is an imaginary example, but I think similar cases can happen with new 
libraries which will be written on top of ClassFile.


> Thanks,
> Adam

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