Classfile API ConstantPool::entryCount and ConstantPool::entryByIndex confusion

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Fri Aug 11 14:41:06 UTC 2023

These seem reasonable. My preference is for throwing over optional.  Size is probably the least problematic name.

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 11, 2023, at 2:10 AM, Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at> wrote:

I’ve noticed confusion in understanding (and inconsistency in implementations) of two ConstantPool methods:
     * {@return the entry at the specified index}
     * @param index the index within the pool of the desired entry
    PoolEntry entryByIndex(int index);

     * {@return the number of entries in the constant pool}
    int entryCount();

Intuitive understanding of the above methods is that user can iterate over entries incrementing index by one up-to the entryCount and get entry for each index from the range.

However the reality is that the methods reflects JVMS 4.1:


The value of the constant_pool_count item is equal to the number of entries in the constant_pool table plus one. A constant_pool index is considered valid if it is greater than zero and less than constant_pool_count, with the exception for constants of type long and double noted in §4.4.5<>.

Following user code cause more or less confusion:

for (int i = 0; i < cp.entryCount(); i++) cp.entryByIndex(i);

  *   Fails immediately with ConstantPoolException at index 0

for (int i = 1; i < cp.entryCount(); i++) cp.entryByIndex(i);

  *   May fail for constant pools containing long or double entries (double-slot entries), however it may not fail if the tag at the invalid offset imitates a valid entry (this is a bug) or it may return null when SplitConstantPool implementation is involved (inconsistency in implementations).

So the only valid (however not very intuitive) iteration over all entries should look like this:

for (int i = 1; i < cp.entryCount(); i += cp.entryByIndex(i).width())

I propose following changes to ConstantPool:

  *   Fix all implementations of PoolEntry ConstantPool::entryByIndex(int) to always throw ConstantPoolException when the index is invalid
or change the method signature to Optional<PoolEntry> ConstantPool::entryByIndex(int) and explain it in the Javadoc
  *   Rename ConstantPool::entryCount to slotsCount or size or width and explain it in the Javadoc
  *   Make ConstantPool extends Iterable<PoolEntry> so user does not need to understand CP internals to iterate over its entries


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