Minor issue with stack map generator and generics
David Lloyd
david.lloyd at redhat.com
Tue Aug 29 14:23:12 UTC 2023
OK, that makes sense. I can use the option. I still think the generics
usage isn't correct, but if all usages of the ad-hoc attributes are
internal then it's not a problem for users and if implementers are happy
with it then it's fine.
On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 8:27 AM Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at oracle.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator is not exposed
> in the Classfile API and it is not designed to be called by user.
> The right way to drive stack maps generation is through
> Classfile.StackMapsOption.
> Where the default StackMapsOption.STACK_MAPS_WHEN_REQUIRED option will
> handle majority of use cases with maximum performance:
> - transformations of valid classes keeping the original stack maps
> when the code is unchanged
> - generation of stack maps for new methods
> - however it does not fix invalid class files at the input of the
> transformation
> StackMapsOption.GENERATE_STACK_MAPS option will force SM generation, for
> the cases like:
> - stack maps should be generated even when not mandatory by JVMS
> - source classes of the transformation are missing stack maps and
> Classfile API is used to fix it
> There are several specific aspects of the stack maps generation:
> 1. Non-presence of StackMapAttribute is a valid state for many
> methods, so this bare information is not enough to trigger the generator.
> 2. StackMapGenerator is internally invoked at the last stage of the
> code generation, where the bytecode array is fully constructed.
> What specific use case are you trying to solve?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> *From: *classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev-retn at openjdk.org> on behalf
> of David Lloyd <david.lloyd at redhat.com>
> *Date: *Monday, 28 August 2023 18:51
> *To: *classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org <classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org>
> *Subject: *Minor issue with stack map generator and generics
> I've been doing more experimenting with this API and ran across a minor
> issue. The way the stack map generator API is presently structured, it
> seems difficult to "get-or-generate".
> For example, I thought to find the stack map for a method, or otherwise
> generate it if it did not exist, so my code looked something like this
> (structured for readability):
> MethodModel mm = ....;
> Optional<StackMapAttribute> optAttr =
> mm.findAttribute(Attributes.STACK_MAP_TABLE);
> StackMapAttribute sma = optAttr.orElseGet(() -> new
> StackMapGenerator(...).stackMapTableAttribute());
> But this fails because `StackMapGenerator.stackMapTableAttribute()`
> returns an `Attribute<? extends StackMapAttribute>` instead of just
> `StackMapAttribute`. This method returns an anonymous subclass of
> `AdHocAttribute`; could it instead be changed to an inner class which also
> implements `StackMapAttribute`? I think this might be more correct as well
> because the type argument of `Attribute` seems like it was intended to be a
> self-type, and if so, these direct anonymous subclasses (and there are a
> few of them) seem to violate that intention.
> --
> - DML • he/him
- DML • he/him
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