Classfile API jdktypes package rename and Signatures move proposal

Dan Heidinga heidinga at
Wed Mar 1 14:08:54 UTC 2023

As a minor consumer of the API, both changes seem reasonable to me though I
have yet to need to use either set of classes.

Given "jdktypes" isn't a particularly descriptive package name, drawing the
parallel for PackageDesc/ModuleDesc to java.lang.constant makes sense.


On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 4:25 AM Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Based on PR feedback I would like to propose two possible API changes:
>    1. Rename jdk.internal.classfile.jdktypes package to
>    jdk.internal.classfile.constant to reflect the fact that PackageDesc
>    and ModuleDesc are complementing java.lang.constant package content.
>    2. Move Signature, MethodSignature and ClassSignature from
>    jdk.internal.classfile package to the same package as #1, as the
>    signature models are similar to descriptor models and serve the same
>    purpose.
> Please let me know if you agree or disagree individually with #1 and #2.
> Thank you,
> Adam
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