Classfile API CodeBuilder::transforming clarification

Adam Sotona adam.sotona at
Tue Mar 7 15:36:49 UTC 2023

Sure no, problem :)

From: Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at>
Date: Tuesday, 7 March 2023 15:42
To: Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at>, classfile-api-dev at <classfile-api-dev at>, Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz at>
Subject: Re: Classfile API CodeBuilder::transforming clarification
I'd like some time to think about this; this was one of the trickiest corners of the API to design.  Its quite possible there's an inconsistency or vestige, but also possible something subtle is going on.

Can we put this on the RFE list as well?
On 3/7/2023 5:09 AM, Adam Sotona wrote:
During the Classfile API reviews there have been raised concerns about `CodeBuilder::transforming` method, for details see:

I would like to (re-)open this discussion here to find the best suitable form of the following method:


     * Apply a transform to the code built by a handler, directing results to this builder.


     * @param transform the transform to apply to the code built by the handler

     * @param handler the handler that receives a {@linkplain CodeBuilder} to

     * build the code.

     * @return this builder


    default CodeBuilder transforming(CodeTransform transform, Consumer<CodeBuilder> handler)

My proposal is to align it more with `CodeBuilder::block` method and emphasize more the bytecode block than the transformation itself.
I propose to change the method name and arguments to:
     * Add a transformed lexical block to the method being built.
     * <p>
     * Within this block, the {@link #startLabel()} and {@link #endLabel()} correspond
     * to the start and end of the block, and the {@link BlockCodeBuilder#breakLabel()}
     * also corresponds to the end of the block.
     * @param handler handler that receives a {@linkplain BlockCodeBuilder} to
     * generate the body of the lexical block.
     * @param transform the transform to apply to the lexical block generated by handler
     * @return this builder
    default CodeBuilder transformedBlock(Consumer<BlockCodeBuilder> handler, CodeTransform transform)

Or alternatively:
    default CodeBuilder transformBlock(Consumer<BlockCodeBuilder> handler, CodeTransform transform)

    default CodeBuilder transformingBlock(Consumer<BlockCodeBuilder> handler, CodeTransform transform)

or just simple:
    default CodeBuilder block(Consumer<BlockCodeBuilder> handler, CodeTransform transform)

Please let me know which version do you prefer or propose alternatives.


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