Usage feedback rewriting jdk.internal.foreign.abi.BindingSpecializer

Jorn Vernee jorn.vernee at
Tue Mar 14 17:37:15 UTC 2023

Exactly. I liken it to the behavior produced by MethodHandles::zero [1], 
which "... returns the default value for that type ...".



On 14/03/2023 18:06, Brian Goetz wrote:
>>> Not sure what you are asking for here. There's no constant pool form 
>>> for "short constant".  There's bipush/sipush, though.  What bytecode 
>>> are you hoping to get out?
>> I'd expect this:
>>     cb.constantZero(ShortType)
>> to result in iconst_0 being emitted. Where 'cb' is an instance of 
>> `CodeBuilder`. (except, 'ShortType' would not be statically know, but 
>> derived from a Class<?> value that is fed in to the generation code).
> Oh, I get it now -- you want the default field value for a given type 
> kind.  Yes, that makes sense, something like
>     cb.loadDefault(typeKind)

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