Usage feedback rewriting jdk.internal.foreign.abi.BindingSpecializer

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Mar 15 18:48:44 UTC 2023

Great work.

IMHO, the nicest bits of the patch are at the very beginning and at the 
very end.

At the very beginning, because, instead of using loose strings for a mix 
of method names, descriptors etc, we can now use appropriate 
abstractions (ClassDesc, MethodTypeDesc).

At the very end because instead of rolling in our own "high-level" 
methods to generate the bytecode to emit e.g. a constant, we can just 
rely on the API to do that for us.


On 14/03/2023 15:31, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> Hello,
> I've re-written jdk.internal.foreign.abi.BindingSpecializer to use the 
> new class file API. The patch can be found here: 
> I did this mostly based on just the javadoc.
> Some things I noted while doing this:
> 1. The translation is really straightforward, and there were a lot of 
> places where simplification was possible. Such as, using 
> CodeBuilder::constantInstruction is much nicer than manually having to 
> find the right bytecode for the constant you have. Another nice thing 
> was the CodeBuilder::parameterSlot method. I previously had to 
> translate parameter indices to slots manually. Great work!
> 2. I'm not sure what the expected way of mapping a Class<?> (or 
> ClassDesc) into a TypeKind is. I couldn't find a factory for that in 
> TypeKind. The code I have often needs to map Class<?> objects into 
> TypeKinds. I ended up writing a manual 'mapper' method instead [1].
> 3. Sometimes I need to emit a constant zero for a particular type. If 
> I know the type is e.g. long, I can use `cb.constantInstruction(0L)`, 
> but sometimes the type is not statically known, and it would be nice 
> if there was a CodeBuilder::constantZero(TypeKind) for that. I've 
> implemented this manually as well [2]
> 4. The same goes for `dup`. It would be nice if there was a 
> CodeBuilder::dup(TypeKind) that automatically selects either dup or 
> dup2. See [3]
> 5. I'll throw in a bike shed comment as well :) 
> CodeBuilder::labelBinding sounds a bit strange. From the name, I 
> initially wasn't sure whether this was returning an existing binding 
> for a previously bound label, or binding the label I passed it. (it 
> also doesn't help that the method doesn't have any javadoc at the 
> moment). I think the name "bindLabel" (or just "bind", as we have in 
> HotSpot) would be more intuitive.
> Cheers,
> Jorn
> [1]: 
> [2]: 
> [3]: 

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