ClassHierarchyResolver using Reflection information

- liangchenblue at
Fri Mar 17 18:25:57 UTC 2023

I've submitted a patch at
Yet with it comes 3 questions:

1. Should the resolver fail fast on IllegalAccessException from the
lookup? This usually indicates the hierarchy resolver is set up
improperly, and proceeding may simply yield verification errors in
class loading that are hard to track. For bytecode-generating APIs,
throwing access errors for the Lookup eagerly is also more preferable
than later silent generation failure.

The main concern for me to fail fast is that I don't understand how
the Classfile API propagates resolver exceptions. If wrapping the
IllegalAccessException in an IllegalAccessError is safe, then I may
change it and add a test case with HashMap.

2. Whether the default resolver should be reading from jrt alone,
reflection alone, or jrt then reflection. I personally believe
reflection alone is more reliable, for classes may be redefined with
instrumentation or jfr, which may not be reflected in the system

This idea came to me while I was working on jfr and instrumentation
tests. Luckily, it seems they don't touch class hierarchy that the
default resolver suffices.

3. In addition, I don't think chaining system class loader reflection
after system resource retrieval is really meaningful: is there any
case where reflection always works while the system resource retrieval
always fails?


On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 7:11 AM Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at> wrote:
> I like your proposal and I would like to see it as a fallback solution for DEFAULT_CLASS_HIERARCHY_RESOLVER when the class is not available as resource stream.
>    /**
>      * Default singleton instance of {@linkplain ClassHierarchyResolver}
>      * using {@link ClassLoader#getSystemResourceAsStream(String)}
>      * as the {@code ClassStreamResolver} with fallback to
>      * {@link ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()} class loading resolver.
>      */
>             = new ClassHierarchyImpl.CachedClassHierarchyResolver(
>             new Function<ClassDesc, InputStream>() {
>                 @Override
>                 public InputStream apply(ClassDesc classDesc) {
>                     return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(Util.toInternalName(classDesc) + ".class");
>                 }
>             }).orElse(ClassHierarchyResolver.of(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()));
> Thanks,
> Adam
> On 16.03.2023 17:05, "liangchenblue at" <liangchenblue at> wrote:
> For context, in 8294961
> I wondered
> about whether to use a hierarchy resolver for LambdaMetafactory, that
> I think resolution may encounter problems as the default resolver may
> not be able to resolve user-supplied interfaces.
> In addition, many of the class file generation usages I've seen
> include firing events via an event bus, calling patched external addon
> code (as seen in Minecraft modding), in which Reflection-based
> hierarchy resolution would work better than reading bytecode files.
> Thus, I've prepared a patch creating ClassHierarchyResolver
> to ease up resolution with reflection, when a ClassLoader (for older
> APIs) or a MethodHandle.Lookup (for modern APIs) is available.
> Does this appear feasible?
> Chen

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