[External] : Re: ClassHierarchyResolver using Reflection information

Adam Sotona adam.sotona at oracle.com
Mon Mar 20 14:00:07 UTC 2023

New behavior is “no assumptions” and throw IllegalArgumentException if information about type necessary to build stack map (or verify stack map) is not obtained from the resolver (or better say chain of resolvers).

If user provides no resolver – the default is used.

The way how default resolver gets the information from system classloader is subject of discussion below (resource parsing and fallback to class loading).
Custom resolver can be constructed as a fallback chain from all provided resolver types (including the default resolver instance).

On 20.03.2023 14:25, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:

If the user provides no resolver at all, what is the new behavior?  Do we just assume Object is the common supertype for any pair of classes?

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