Benchmarks to check migration impact to j.l.invoke and j.l.reflect.Proxy performance
liangchenblue at
Wed May 24 04:39:06 UTC 2023
Thank you for the info. I've run the ProxyPerf after edits (removing
obsolete code) and the result doesn't look quite promising. It appears
that the exception handler might be time-consuming.
I've just found Claes Redestad's talk about lambda and bytecode
generation performance:
I think I should perform a debug build one day and discover the impact
of string-related operations. My current assumption is that to find a
corresponding ClassEntry in a constant pool, a ClassDesc's descriptor
string must undergo substring and hashCode, which may be costly, so we
might change ClassEntry's hashing strategy so we can just reuse the
cached hashCode of a ClassDesc's descriptorString easily.
On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 8:38 AM Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at> wrote:
> Hi,
> For benchmarking Proxies I’ve used
> Adam
> From: liangchenblue at <liangchenblue at>
> Date: Tuesday, 23 May 2023 3:49
> To: classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev at>, asotona at <asotona at>
> Subject: Benchmarks to check migration impact to j.l.invoke and j.l.reflect.Proxy performance
> Hello Adam,
> Last time, you said that a major obstacle to the migration of Proxy
> and MethodHandle ASM code to Classfile API is the performance
> degradation. I wish you can share how you measured the impact of
> migration, so that I can try for myself and see the performance
> bottlenecks.
> Chen Liang
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