Planned features of a classfile context object

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu May 25 18:31:32 UTC 2023

A model created within a context can retain a reference to its creating 
context.  (We do a lot of this sort of thing already, where MethodModel 
retains a reference to ClassModel, and where CPBuilder retains a 
reference to Options.)  So for operations that require a context, a 
model derived from a classfile can use the context that created it.

Methods like parse/build/transform will be moved to the classfile 
context object.

On 5/25/2023 2:02 PM, Adam Sotona wrote:
> I’m trying to figure out how the context will be passed down to the 
> models (if it suppose to be detached from the models).
> Do we plan to enforce another CC argument to all models methods 
> requiring context?
> Or do we plan to strip down all context-sensitive methods from all 
> models and attach them to a kind of context-wrappers?
> For example codeModel.forEach(Classfile.Context.of(…), …) or 
> Classfile.Context.of(…).forEach(codeModel, …) ?
> Thanks,
> Adam
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