Got: IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve class
liangchenblue at
Mon Apr 29 13:37:37 UTC 2024
Since ClassHierarchyResolver is not a sealed interface, you can make your
own ClassHierarchy class non-utility and implement CHR and return the
correct ClassHierarchyInfo or throw IAE.
On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 8:23 AM Øystein Myhre Andersen <o.myhre at>
> Proposal:
> I defined a utility class:
> public abstract class ClassHierarchy {
> private static Map<ClassDesc, ClassDesc> classToSuperClass = new
> HashMap<ClassDesc, ClassDesc>();
> private static Collection<ClassDesc> interfaces = new Vector<ClassDesc>();
> public static ClassHierarchyResolver getResolver() {
> ClassHierarchyResolver res = ClassHierarchyResolver.defaultResolver()
> .orElse(ClassHierarchyResolver.of(interfaces, classToSuperClass));
> return res;
> }
> public static void addClassToSuperClass(ClassDesc cld, ClassDesc sup) {
> classToSuperClass.put(cld, sup);
> }
> }
> And built my class files with a method like:
> public byte[] buildClassFile() {
> ClassDesc CD_ThisClass = ...
> ClassDesc CD_SuperClass = ...
> ClassHierarchy.addClassToSuperClass(CD_ThisClass, CD_SuperClass);
> byte[] bytes = ClassFile.of(ClassFile.ClassHierarchyResolverOption
> .of(ClassHierarchy.getResolver())).build(CD_ThisClass,
> classBuilder -> {
> classBuilder
> .withSuperclass(CD_SuperClass);
> ... ...
> This could perhaps have been done internally by letting
> .withSuperclass(CD_SuperClass);
> make a call ala ClassHierarchy.addClassToSuperClass(CD_ThisClass,
> CD_SuperClass);
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 2:39 PM Øystein Myhre Andersen <o.myhre at>
> wrote:
>> I solved my problem by using:
>> `ClassHierarchyResolver.defaultResolver().orElse(ClassHierarchyResolver.
>> of(Collection<ClassDesc> interfaces, Map<ClassDesc, ClassDesc>
>> classToSuperClass))`
>> However; since I do not have any interfaces I got an error with
>> interfaces == null. And the javadoc could state which ClassDesc argument
>> to Map<ClassDesc, ClassDesc> classToSuperClass) is the super.
>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 1:57 PM - <liangchenblue at> wrote:
>>> I think a compiler should avoid the use of defaultResolver() in the
>>> resolver chain, as it adds a dependency on the compiler's runtime, while
>>> the program may target another set of standard libraries (such as for an
>>> older Java release). The dynamic direct implementation usually is the most
>>> flexible if you may have unanticipated inputs, as ClassHierarchyResolver
>>> implementations throw exceptions when they receive erroneous input class
>>> descs.
>>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 2:54 AM Adam Sotona <adam.sotona at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Your compiler reached the complexity where you reference generated
>>>> classes from other generated classes.
>>>> Class-File API in certain circumstances needs to know some information
>>>> about the classes referenced from the generated bytecode.
>>>> Such information is provided in ClassHierarchyInfo
>>>> <>
>>>> using functional interface ClassHierarchyResolver
>>>> <>
>>>> .
>>>> By default
>>>> <>
>>>> is the information obtained from system class loader. However, the classes
>>>> you generate are probably not yet known to the system class loader.
>>>> You should specify a custom ClassHierarchyResolver
>>>> <>
>>>> for your compiler as a Class-File API option
>>>> `ClassFile.of(ClassFile.ClassHierarchyResolverOption.of(...))`.
>>>> Here you have multiple options how to provide the missing information
>>>> using combinations of ClassHierarchyResolver factory methods and custom
>>>> code:
>>>> For example, if the required classes have been already generated and
>>>> you can provide a physical access to them, you can compose the
>>>> ClassHierarchyResolver this way:
>>>> `ClassHierarchyResolver.defaultResolver().orElse(ClassHierarchyResolver. ofResourceParsing(Function<ClassDesc,
>>>> InputStream>).cached())`
>>>> Or if you know all the generated classes in advance, you can provide
>>>> the missing info about the generated classes in a set and map form:
>>>> `ClassHierarchyResolver.defaultResolver().orElse(ClassHierarchyResolver. of(Collection<ClassDesc>
>>>> interfaces, Map<ClassDesc, ClassDesc> classToSuperClass))`
>>>> Or in a form of dynamic direct implementation of the
>>>> ClassHierarchyResolver:
>>>> `ClassHierarchyResolver.defaultResolver().orElse(classDesc ->
>>>> isInterface ? : ClassHierarchyInfo.ofInterface() :
>>>> ClassHierarchyInfo.ofClass(ClassDesc superClass))`
>>>> *From: *classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev-retn at> on
>>>> behalf of Øystein Myhre Andersen <o.myhre at>
>>>> *Date: *Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 12:53
>>>> *To: *classfile-api-dev at <classfile-api-dev at>
>>>> *Subject: *Got: IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve class
>>>> I'm writing a compiler for Simula (the very first oo language).
>>>> Simula is block-oriented with nested blocks and each block is compiled
>>>> into a classFile.
>>>> At a certain level in the hierarchy I get an exception at the end of
>>>> the classfile building.
>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
>>>> Could not resolve class
>>>> adHoc000_adHoc000_PBLK39_Floor_activateIdleLift
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.ClassHierarchyImpl.resolve(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.ClassHierarchyImpl.isInterface(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator$Type.mergeReferenceFrom(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator$Type.mergeFrom(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator$Frame.merge(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator$Frame.checkAssignableTo(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.checkJumpTarget(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.processExceptionHandlerTargets(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.processBlock(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.processMethod(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.generate(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.<init>(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.of(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.DirectCodeBuilder$4.generateStackMaps(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.DirectCodeBuilder$4.tryGenerateStackMaps(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.DirectCodeBuilder$4.writeBody(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute$AdHocAttribute.writeTo(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AttributeHolder.writeTo(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.DirectMethodBuilder.writeTo(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.BufWriterImpl.writeList(
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/
>>>> at
>>>> java.base/
>>>> ... ...
>>>> Is this a known problem?
>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>>> I am attaching a file with an edited trace leading up to the exception.
>>>> - Øystein Myhre Andersen
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