[External] : Re: ASM to OpenJDK ClassReader/ClassWriter bridge: experiences and questions

Rafael Winterhalter rafael.wth at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 20:00:02 UTC 2024


I figured out the difference when it comes to annotation. ASM represents
arrays of primitive values as constants, not as actual arrays, and passes
this down differently. This made a difference when it came to handling
incompatible values, but I found the cause of this error in Byte Buddy. ASM
simply never triggered this behaviour. I am down to about 10 errors which
are all verifier errors for class files that are generated by the class
file API. All those tests target rather obscure code, for example from
obfuscators, so they are hard to reproduce. As a next step, I will however
create a version of Byte Buddy that allows to plug the new visitors, so
possibly you can investigate from there. From the dumped class files, it
seems as if the local variable or stack sizes are too small for these

Finally, I cannot really follow the argument why stack and local variable
sizes for methods cannot be supplied manually. You mentioned it was for
safety reasons? When it comes to byte code, there is a million ways to
create a failed verification already, so why not allow for a manual
specification? Most tools already provide these values anyways.

Best regards, Rafael

Am Mi., 14. Aug. 2024 um 18:34 Uhr schrieb Rafael Winterhalter <
rafael.wth at gmail.com>:

> Brilliant, I am now down to:
> (1) Waiting for a fix for the bug relating to BytecodeHelpers.
> (2) issues with inability to define line numbers by labels, I think your
> idea to add a translation method from labels to BCI (and having an
> equivalent way of reading a BCI in the reader) is the right thing to do,
> this will generally be useful for custom attributes.
> (3) thanks, this resolves some more failing tests.
> I now also got the manual computation of stack map frames to work. I would
> however love if I could control the exact frames that are issued. Ideally
> agents change as little as possible to stay compatible with other byte code
> manipulation tools. This could be offered as a "write only" API similar to
> what you suggest for line numbers. What do you think?
> As for the annotations, I am still trying to find out what has changed. If
> I understand it better, I can file a separate bug report, in case that it
> is a regression.
> Thanks, Rafael
> Am Mi., 14. Aug. 2024 um 17:29 Uhr schrieb Chen Liang <
> chen.l.liang at oracle.com>:
>> Rafael, first for your annotation output, how did you produce those
>> outputs? I don't think ClassFile API performs any check to ensure an
>> annotation's structure matches that of its annotation interface.
>>    1. Thanks for the reproducer. It is indeed a bug with
>>    BytecodeHelpers, which should use lookupDescriptor instead of
>>    invocationType. Filed https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8338406 which
>>    I will fix.
>>    2. I am thinking of exposing the label to bci conversion to attribute
>>    writers for Code: that way, we can create a custom LineNumberTable
>>    attribute that only performs writing, and in writing it converts its labels
>>    to bci, which should fit our need here. What do you think?
>>    3. These instructions are supported: You need to call
>>    `codeBuilder.with(DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction.of(...))` to
>>    create them instead of through convenience factories. And our stack maps
>>    generation automatically fails and falls back to stack counter in default
>>    configuration if it encounters a Java 6 class file with jsr/ret.
>> For the annotation thing, if you can provide the source code, I can help
>> you diagnose. I am currently working on both core reflection and classfile
>> API areas.
>> Chen
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Rafael Winterhalter <rafael.wth at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 14, 2024 6:05 AM
>> *To:* Chen Liang <chen.l.liang at oracle.com>
>> *Cc:* classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: [External] : Re: ASM to OpenJDK ClassReader/ClassWriter
>> bridge: experiences and questions
>> Quick finding: my tests that check for incompatible change in annotation
>> values compared to their class file. There was a change in Java 21 (if I
>> recall correctly) to display the actual value. This seems to have
>> regressed. Since Byte Buddy emulates the JDKs behavior, these tests are
>> failing now compared to the mainline. For example, if an annotation changes
>> its property from int to array int[], previously compiled annotations are
>> toString-ed on mainline JDK as:
>> incompatibleValueArray=/* Warning type mismatch! "java.lang.Integer[42]"
>> */
>> The ClassFile API branch toString-s the annotation as it was done prior
>> to Java 21:
>> incompatibleValueArray=/* Warning type mismatch! "Array with component
>> tag: I" */
>> I suggest to use the mainline expression as this makes debugging things
>> much easier.
>> Thanks, Rafael
>> Am Mi., 14. Aug. 2024 um 12:36 Uhr schrieb Rafael Winterhalter <
>> rafael.wth at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> after some further fixes, I am down to 30 failed tests of 10436 tests in
>> total now, only using the ClassFile API for reading and writing classes
>> with ASM as an intermediate. I have not got the stack map frame generation
>> to work yet, but will tackle this next. The remaining
>> 1. I will try to create a reproducer, but in short:
>>         DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind kind =
>> DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR;
>>         ClassDesc owner = ClassDesc.of("sample.DynamicConstantBootstrap");
>>         String name = "<init>";
>>         String lookupDescriptor =
>> "(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)V";
>>         DirectMethodHandleDesc methodHandle = MethodHandleDesc.of(kind,
>> owner, name, lookupDescriptor);
>>         System.out.println(methodHandle.invocationType().returnType());
>> The printed return type will be the owner type. If I change the kind to
>> STATIC, it will be void as expected. When adding this to a LCD instruction,
>> it will be converted to a constant pool entry where the return type is
>> validated against it being a constructor returning void. The conversion
>> happens in BytecodeHelpers.handleConstantDescToHandleInfo where the patched
>> return type is used for creating the symbol what fails validation.
>> 2. The line number thing causes another row of issues. If, as suggested
>> previously, the line number attribute could accept a label rather than a
>> BCI, this could be fixed easily.
>> 3. Some tests fail due to the impossibility of handling JSR and RET
>> instructions. I fully understand that those are old, but especially JDBC
>> drivers are often compiled to rather old Java versions. Java agents often
>> instrument those, and it would be a pity if those would not be supported
>> therefore. Is there a plan to add support for these instructions?
>> Fortunately, stack map frame generation does not need to consider them as
>> these old class files do not require stack map frames. Adding them is not
>> the worst for this reason.
>> With these three things in place, I think I can offer full support for
>> the new API starting the day this becomes non-experimental.
>> Best regards, Rafael
>> Am Mi., 14. Aug. 2024 um 00:43 Uhr schrieb Chen Liang <
>> chen.l.liang at oracle.com>:
>> Hi Rafael, thanks for the quick followup!
>> Indeed, the line number label handling enhancement would be helpful. (and
>> that actually applies to all user attribute encoding of Labels, as
>> currently user attributes cannot convert labels to bcis too)
>> For the following stacktrace, I don't think JDK's constants API is wrong:
>> you should use (Lookup, String, Class) -> void type for the bootstrap
>> method's method handle type. I checked bytebuddy's JavaConstant.Dynamic and
>> JavaConstantDynamicTest and still have no clue how that happens, or how it
>> passes elsewhere. It would be great if you can provide a simple generated
>> class file or its javap output, especially if this class can run on java
>> command line so we can check the VM behavior.
>> And congratulations on the progress! The "dead code" warning shouldn't
>> happen usually, as ClassFile API has PATCH_DEAD_CODE by default for
>> DeadCodeOption. These errors should go away if you restore the option.
>> Thanks again for trying out!
>> Chen Liang
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Rafael Winterhalter <rafael.wth at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 13, 2024 5:08 PM
>> *To:* Chen Liang <chen.l.liang at oracle.com>
>> *Cc:* classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org>
>> *Subject:* [External] : Re: ASM to OpenJDK ClassReader/ClassWriter
>> bridge: experiences and questions
>> Thanks, I will try the manual stack map frame translation! As for line
>> numbers: I also wanted to create the attribute manually. Unfortunately,
>> LineNumberInfo only accepts a bci instead of a Label. If that can be
>> adjusted (I think this is sensible as this is the only location where bci
>> seems to be exposed), I could solve the problem that way.
>> I also found a possible bug with the following stacktrace:
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected type of (T*)V for
>> constructor, found
>> MethodTypeDesc[(MethodHandles$Lookup,String,Class)DynamicConstantBootstrap]
>> at
>> java.base/java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDescImpl.validateConstructor(DirectMethodHandleDescImpl.java:107)
>> at
>> java.base/java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDescImpl.<init>(DirectMethodHandleDescImpl.java:75)
>> at
>> java.base/java.lang.constant.MethodHandleDesc.of(MethodHandleDesc.java:89)
>> at
>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPoolEntry$MethodHandleEntryImpl.asSymbol(AbstractPoolEntry.java:919)
>> at
>> java.base/java.lang.classfile.constantpool.ConstantDynamicEntry.asSymbol(ConstantDynamicEntry.java:65)
>> at
>> java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl.StackMapGenerator.processLdc(StackMapGenerator.java:705)
>> This happens when using a constructor as the bootstrap for a dynamic
>> constant. The check does not seem to consider that constructors are valid
>> bootstraps similar to static methods.
>> Other than that, I ran Byte Buddy's entire test suite with about 10.000
>> tests using that bridge now and only about 200 tests seem to fail. Most
>> commonly this is due to "Unable to generate stack map frame for dead code
>> at bytecode offset 36 of method foobar()", but this I might be able to
>> solve with your suggestion. The reminder are mostly about edge cases that I
>> will investigate further.
>> Well done! If these two issues can be resolved, I plan to offer an
>> adapter into Byte Buddy once this is public API.
>> Rafael
>> Am Di., 13. Aug. 2024 um 23:29 Uhr schrieb Chen Liang <
>> chen.l.liang at oracle.com>:
>> Hi Rafael, thanks for your adoption!
>>    1. In fact, ClassFile API has quite a few non-standard (JVMS)
>>    attributes: CharacterRangeTable, CompilationID, ModuleHashes,
>>    ModuleResolution, ModuleTarget, SourceDebugExtension, SourceID, and seems
>>    there's little information available about these attributes. I think you
>>    can treat them as if they are unknown attributes in your translations to
>>    ASM.
>>    2. Line numbers are naturally streamed just like labels. If an ASM
>>    user is streaming line numbers late, an alternative way is to buffer the
>>    other elements into an ASM tree first, then inject the line number tokens
>>    on the second round. (If LineNumberTableAttribute supports using Labels,
>>    then we can probably just write that attribute at last, too)
>>    3. Unknown attributes are troubling the ClassFile API too. We have a
>>    stability() in AttributeMapper to indicate if we should retain or drop
>>    attributes. You can always copy any attribute over as-is by calling
>>    XxxBuilder::with(attribute). You should always handle the unknown
>>    attributes with a default branch in a switch if you wish to be forward
>>    compatible, or an exhaustive switch if you wish to fail fast on newer known
>>    attributes.
>>    4. For stack map frames, you can use StackMapsOption.DROP_STACK_MAPS
>>    and pass a StackMapsTableAttribute in CodeBuilder.with; this is already how
>>    ProxyGenerator does it. However we don't allow users to specify max stacks
>>    and locals, which can be hurting performance sensitive use cases.
>> Regards,
>> Chen Liang
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev-retn at openjdk.org> on behalf
>> of Rafael Winterhalter <rafael.wth at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 13, 2024 4:51 AM
>> *To:* classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev at openjdk.org>
>> *Subject:* ASM to OpenJDK ClassReader/ClassWriter bridge: experiences
>> and questions
>> Hello!
>> It's been a while since I last tried, but I now managed to implement both
>> a JDK-based ClassReader and ClassWriter for ASM. This seems to work really
>> well for a range of tests that I did as it allows me to avoid major
>> rewrites of ASM-based code while still having forward-compatibility as long
>> as there are no new language constructs as the JDK bundles parser and
>> serializer.
>> The code can be found here: https://github.com/raphw/asm-jdk-bridge
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/raphw/asm-jdk-bridge__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!KAQFTclWgq_IwySyN468Wdy3QUCwqLln_sFAi0SSvWoBHHyKMExsxZbmfhPm0axz2oGf-EbHxWkP391GDU6uYQ$>
>> A few notes and questions I have:
>> 1. The OpenJDK API supports CharacterRangeTable which is a non-standard
>> attribute that is not described in the specification. By introducing it to
>> the official API, isn't the attribute in a way formalized? Is there a plan
>> to standardize the attribute?
>> 2. One thing that cannot be mapped directly from OpenJDK to ASM are line
>> numbers. In ASM, they can be added later using a Label. In OpenJDK they
>> have to be visited at "the right time". Using labels is otherwise common
>> for other attributes, both in ASM and OpenJDK, but line numbers are the
>> exception. Is there a reason for this?
>> 3. It would be nice if there was a way to flag what attributes should be
>> treated as UnknownAttributes. Right now, I retain UnknownAttributes as they
>> are. But if a future release of the OpenJDK promotes an UnknownAttribute to
>> a known one, I might miss it when copying them over as raw arrays.
>> 4. I take it so that there are no plans to add support for manually
>> defining StackMapFrame and method sizes? Sometimes, the OpenJDK erases
>> information, for example if a local variable is never assigned a value, it
>> will simply be treated as "N" value. This is not a big issue, but it can
>> make slight transformations that can have very subtle implications when for
>> example writing Java agents, so I would still hope for an option for this
>> to be used by advanced users.
>> Thanks! Rafael
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