Stack Checker

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Sat Mar 16 20:10:02 UTC 2024

Thanks for the bug reports.

Can you explain a little more about what you would do differently if the 
opcodes reflected the distinction between unary/binary operators, and 
similarly unary/binary branch?

On 3/16/2024 4:49 AM, david32768 at 
david32768 at wrote:
> I have written a stack checker transform from scratch. The following 
> are my observations for this task,
> # BranchInstruction
> It would help if BranchInstruction could be divided into 
> BinaryBranchInstruction and UnaryBranchInstruction.
> Opcodes GOTO and GOTO_W could go in Unary as TypeKind.Void has to 
> dealt with for method return.
> There is a bug in java.lang.classfile.Opcode: the TypeKind for 
> IFNONNULL should be ReferenceType.
> #OperatorInstruction
> It would help if OperationInstruction could be divided into 
> Binary(IADD etc,), Unary(INEG etc.), Shift(LSHR etc,), Compare(LCMP 
> etc) and ARRAYLENGTH.
> There is a bug in jdk.internal.classfile.impl.CodeStackTrackerImpl: 
> Compare(LCMP etc.) return IntType not LongType etc. as returned by 
> typeKind()
> Regards
> David
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