java.lang.classfile model enumeration order
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Fri Nov 22 16:02:21 UTC 2024
This is a property of the implementation, but not something that the
spec guarantees, though. Also, in the middle of a transformation
pipeline, there is no longer a "classfile order" to fall back on. So it
is best to not assume anything about ordering, unless the ordering is
part of the semantics (like the bytecodes in a method body.)
On 11/22/2024 5:42 AM, Adam Sotona wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Fields and methods are included in the ClassElement stream or iterator
> in the same order, and this order corresponds to their order in the
> class file.
> This principle is common for the whole API, except for some
> PseudoInstructions identifying their start and stop positions in the
> stream by Labels. These PseudoInstructions are always streamed before
> respective LabelTargets.
> Adam
> *From: *classfile-api-dev <classfile-api-dev-retn at> on
> behalf of Mark Roberts <markro at>
> *Date: *Friday, 22 November 2024 at 1:12
> *To: *Chen Liang <chen.l.liang at>,
> classfile-api-dev at <classfile-api-dev at>
> *Subject: *java.lang.classfile model enumeration order
> Are there any rules/guarantees that the order of items in
> ClassModel::methods() will match the order in ‘for (ClassElement ce :
> cm)’ for the ce elements that are MethodModel? And also for similar
> items down the class hierarchy?
> Thank you, Mark
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