StackMap problem
Mark Roberts
markro at
Tue Jan 28 20:45:32 UTC 2025
The existence of compiler generated, unnamed local temps (no LocalVariable
code element) seems to cause a problem with stack maps.
The ‘source’ attachment shows the problem method. The ‘before’ attachment
shows the generated code before instrumentation. Note that the compiler
generates an unnamed temp at slot 0 to store the exception code. The
stackmap for the branch target says same locals, which is correct.
The ‘after’ attachment shows the code generated after our tool has added
instrumentation code – note the addition of a new local variable at slot
1. The stackmap for the branch target still says same locals, which is no
longer correct. This causes the iload_1 @41 to fail.
I tried to see if this issue has already been reported, but I was unable to
figure out how to search by keyword.
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public static void push() {
try {
} catch (Overflow e) { }
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name_index: 46 (push)
access_flags: Const.ACC_PUBLIC | Const.ACC_STATIC
descriptor_index: 6 (()V)
attribute count: 1
attribute_name_index: 85 (Code)
Code(maxStack = 3, maxLocals = 1, code_length = 24)
0: getstatic DataStructures.StackArTester.s LDataStructures/StackAr; (12)
3: getstatic DataStructures.StackArTester.rnd Ljava/util/Random; (30)
6: iconst_4
7: invokevirtual java.util.Random.nextInt (I)I (34)
10: invokestatic DataStructures.StackArTester.createItem (I)Ljava/lang/Object; (40)
13: invokevirtual DataStructures.StackAr.push (Ljava/lang/Object;)V (44)
16: goto #20
19: astore_0
20: invokestatic DataStructures.StackArTester.observe ()V (21)
23: return
Exception handler(s) =
From To Handler Type
0 16 19 DataStructures.Overflow(48)
Attribute(s) =
LineNumber(0, 37), LineNumber(16, 38), LineNumber(20, 39), LineNumber(23, 40)
StackMap((SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK, offset delta=19, stack items={(type=Object, class=DataStructures.Overflow)}), (SAME, offset delta=0))
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name_index: 64 (push)
access_flags: Const.ACC_PUBLIC | Const.ACC_STATIC
descriptor_index: 4 (()V)
attribute count: 1
attribute_name_index: 129 (Code)
Code(maxStack = 6, maxLocals = 2, code_length = 54)
0: getstatic daikon.chicory.Runtime.nonce Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger; (10)
3: invokevirtual java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.getAndIncrement ()I (16)
6: istore_1
7: aconst_null
8: iload_1
9: iconst_3
10: iconst_0
11: anewarray <java.lang.Object> (18)
14: invokestatic daikon.chicory.Runtime.enter (Ljava/lang/Object;II[Ljava/lang/Object;)V (22)
17: getstatic DataStructures.StackArTester.s LDataStructures/StackAr; (46)
20: getstatic DataStructures.StackArTester.rnd Ljava/util/Random; (70)
23: iconst_4
24: invokevirtual java.util.Random.nextInt (I)I (76)
27: invokestatic DataStructures.StackArTester.createItem (I)Ljava/lang/Object; (78)
30: invokevirtual DataStructures.StackAr.push (Ljava/lang/Object;)V (81)
33: goto #37
36: astore_0
37: invokestatic DataStructures.StackArTester.observe ()V (52)
40: aconst_null
41: iload_1
42: iconst_3
43: iconst_0
44: anewarray <java.lang.Object> (18)
47: aconst_null
48: bipush 40
50: invokestatic daikon.chicory.Runtime.exit (Ljava/lang/Object;II[Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V (26)
53: return
Exception handler(s) =
From To Handler Type
0 33 36 DataStructures.Overflow(66)
Attribute(s) =
LocalVariable(startPc = 0, length = 54, index = 1:int this_invocation_nonce)
LineNumber(17, 37), LineNumber(33, 38), LineNumber(37, 39), LineNumber(40, 40)
StackMap((SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK, offset delta=36, stack items={(type=Object, class=DataStructures.Overflow)}), (SAME, offset delta=0))
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