RFR: 6462028: MaskFormatter API documentation refers to getDisplayValue

Phil Race prr at openjdk.java.net
Mon Dec 6 17:19:12 UTC 2021

On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 16:21:51 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aivanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> MaskFormatter API doesn't have getDisplayValue method, hence removed from Documentation.
> src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/MaskFormatter.java line 103:
>> 101:  *   MaskFormatter formatter = new MaskFormatter("###-####");
>> 102:  *   formatter.setPlaceholderCharacter('_');
>> 103:  *   formatter.getDisplayValue(tf, "123");
> This code is part of an example, without this line, the following lines of documentation do not make sense. Probably, `getDisplayValue` should be replaced with `valueToString`. You should check that and ensure the sample and the expected output, as discussed in the following sentences, is correct.

I agree. Simply deleting this line solves nothing. The example needs to be reviewed and the text needs to say something correct and useful.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6556

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