RFR: 6465404: some problems in CellEditor related API docs [v5]

Tejesh R duke at openjdk.java.net
Thu Dec 16 10:32:00 UTC 2021

On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:04:49 GMT, Tejesh R <duke at openjdk.java.net> wrote:

>>> The object that implements the interface is not necessarily the editor for values. DefaultCellEditor is the perfect example: it's not an editor itself, it's not even a component, all it does is configures a delegate, a JComponent, which serves as the editor.
>> My thoughts about this. The object which implements the interface is always the "editor", even if it is not a component. I guess you are mixing it with the other classes like "JEditorPane/JTextField/etc". 
>> The current spec:
>>>This interface defines the method any object that would like to be
>> an editor of values for components such as <code>JListBox</code>,
>> <code>JComboBox</code>, <code>JTree</code>, or <code>JTable</code>
>> needs to implement.
>> This means that the application may have some values/data stored in the JComboBox/JTree/JTable and the application may create a cell editor by implementing the TableCellEditor. That editor then could be used as a cell editor in the "main" JTable.
>> So the next statement in the description of this PR is not completely right:
>>> "CellTableEditor Interface doesn't support JComboBox and JTree components"
>> The JComboBox and other classes do not have to implement/support that interface.
> Yeah, if u refer this example page [https://bip.weizmann.ac.il/course/prog2/tutorial/uiswing/components/example-1dot4/ColorEditor.java], the interface is used for a cell in a table which has a button in turn invokes "JColorChooser" class. Which means the interface is used to store a particular value while the cell in is editor mode......?

After going on through the example, what I felt is "Adds to CellEditor the extensions necessary to configure an editor in a tree" is little generic description than the updated PR Definition.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6608

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