RFR: 8169468: NoResizeEventOnDMChangeTest.java fails because FS Window didn't receive all resizes!

Sergey Bylokhov serb at openjdk.java.net
Thu Nov 4 21:22:10 UTC 2021

On Wed, 3 Nov 2021 04:31:20 GMT, Alexander Zuev <kizune at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> In the scenario above what will happen if the window is jumped from one screen to another? Will it be full screen or it will be in the normal mode? Which (old or new) graphics device will report that the window is full screen on it? I guess we should move the window back to the old device in full-screen mode, or we should move the window to the new device but in the normal mode, in both cases, the resize event should be generated, isn't it?
>> In the scenario above what will happen if the window is jumped from one screen to another? Will it be full screen or it will be in the normal mode? Which (old or new) graphics device will report that the window is full screen on it? I guess we should move the window back to the old device in full-screen mode, or we should move the window to the new device but in the normal mode, in both cases, the resize event should be generated, isn't it?
> It opens up as a full screen window on the secondary display, i can't check which device reports it because when i add debug output i can not reproduce the failure. If two displays have different resolution then moving window from one GD to another it should generate the resize event on both window and the component inside it.

Then you can check that the window jumped to a different screen and the size counter should not be increased if the requested mode and the size of the new screen are the same. You do not need to skip the whole test in this case. But it also looks like a bug that the window is jumped to the other screen and is not returned back.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6186

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