Possibility of backporting fix for JDK-6986863

Harald Kuhr harald.kuhr at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 18:02:20 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I just signed up for the client-libs-dev mailing list, so bear with me… 😀

I’m the author of TwelveMonkeys ImageIO (
https://github.com/haraldk/TwelveMonkeys) and ever so often users of my
library run into https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6986863
(ProfileDeferralMgr throwing ConcurrentModificationException) or one of its
various incarnations/duplicates. See for example
https://github.com/haraldk/TwelveMonkeys/issues/631 or #402

I am very happy to see this bug finally being fixed in Java 17!

However, I wonder what it would take to backport Sergey’s fix (
https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/64a150c5) to OpenJDK 11 (or even 8)
as it’s hard to create a reliable workaround (from a library viewpoint)?

I’m fairly familiar with this part of the JDK code base and have looked
through the fix commit and believe it should be fairly straightforward to
apply the changes to JDK 11 and 8 (there haven’t been many changes to this
part of the code since Java 8 if I remember correctly). I’m currently not a
contributor, but I’m trying to sign the necessary OCA and may provide a
patch in the future.

Best regards,

Harald K

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