RFR: 8276058: Some swing test fails on specific CI macos system [v2]

Phil Race prr at openjdk.java.net
Fri Oct 29 03:52:14 UTC 2021

On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:17:13 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov <serb at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Confirm that the CGDisplayHideCursor/CGDisplayShowCursor solves the problem on my side, I'll prepare the patch. I think it should be backported to all old trains.

Well .. if you think that's what's needed I suggest you ask the fixer if they'd prefer to do that themselves first as the owner of this issue. 

Whoever does it there's a bunch of testing needed to validate it including testing  both the cursor size and the screen capture option

As to the suggestion although Robot is 99% used for testing and no tester will care at the cursor blinking off and on again I know there are cases where people have used it for other things and I don't know how long it takes to capture the screen of a 5K retina display. I would want to be very sure it is necessary to sacrifice usability by invoking this on all Robot API calls to compensate for the as yet not understood cases where this is happening even though it should not be. The "spec" issue can be handled by an update there.  We can even add new API to request (not guarantee) that the cursor be hidden.

Regardless, there's value in the test updates, although my existing comments on the specifics there still stand.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6140

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