RFR: 8284189: Replace usages of 'a the' in java.desktop [v2]

Alexey Ivanov aivanov at openjdk.java.net
Mon Apr 18 15:13:35 UTC 2022

On Mon, 18 Apr 2022 14:55:04 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aivanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/jdk/javax/accessibility/manual/ComboBoxDemo.html line 63:
>>> 61:         <td style="Width:100%;" colspan="3">
>>> 62:             <ol>
>>> 63:                 <li>Verify that space and down arrow bring up the drop-down list.<br>
>> Is this HTML refactoring needed as part of this PR?
> The `<img>` element is placed after `</li>` and before the next `<li>`. In HTML `<ol>` doesn't allow anything but `<li>` elements. I placed the image to where it was supposed to be.
> I decided it was easier and more efficient to fix it as part of this change rather than submit a new bug and create a new pull request afterwards.

In fact, you're right: I looked at the other HTML files near this one, and some of them also contain similar markup errors. It'll be wiser to address them separately.

I submitted [JDK-8284958](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8284958) and reverted all changes to `ComboBoxDemo.html` but ‘a the’ to ‘the’.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8274

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