RFR: 8290973: In AffineTransform, equals(Object) is inconsistent with hashCode()

Martin Desruisseaux duke at openjdk.org
Fri Aug 5 08:35:46 UTC 2022

On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 09:39:48 GMT, Martin Desruisseaux <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

> `AffineTransform.equals(Object)` and `hashCode()` break two contracts:
> * `A.equals(A)` returns `false` if at least one affine transform coefficient is NaN.
> * `A.equals(B)` should imply `A.hashCode() == B.hashCode()`, but it is not the case if a coefficient is zero with an opposite sign in A and B.
> This patch preserves the current behaviour regarding 0 (i.e. -0 is considered equal to +0) for backward compatibility reason. Instead the `hashCode()` method is updated for being consistent with `equals(Object)` behaviour.

Indeed, in this proposed patch +0 is considered equal to -0 mainly for preserving current behaviour. The proposed new `AffineTransform.equals(Object)` has a behaviour different than the old one only regarding NaN, which should be rare in `AffineTransform`. So for practical purposes; the `equals` method would be basically unchanged in this patch proposal.

But there is also an additional reason. It is because two `AffineTransform` instances with the same coefficients except for the sign of zero will compute the same points when a `transform(…)` method is invoked (except when a result is zero, in which case the sign of that 0 may be different in some cases). So those two transforms can be considered as equal for the purpose of transforming points. There is a possibility that some existing codes rely on this equality (which is not mathematically wrong I think), especially since negative zeros appear easily in `AffineTransform`. Consider for example a translation on only one axis (line break added for clarity):

AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, 2.0],
                [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]

A call to `AffineTransform.createInverse()` gives:

AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, -2.0],
                [0.0, 1.0, -0.0]]

Both translation terms become negative (as expected), including zero. But transforming points with that `AffineTransform` will give results strictly identical (except for the sign of some 0 coordinate values) to an `AffineTransform` created by `getTranslateInstance(-2, 0)`, so the current behaviour of considering them as equal may not be wrong.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9121

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